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How to create a TrayIcon !

Title: How to create a TrayIcon ! Question: Since there is no article so far about how to build a trayicon here on delphi3000, i post this small but working component that a once found on the net ! Answer: I just added the line SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); in the contructor - so that the application is not shown in the task-bar ! unit TrayIcon; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ShellAPI, Forms; const WM_TOOLTRAYICON = WM_USER+1; WM_RESETTOOLTIP = WM_USER+2; type TTrayIcon = class(TComponent) private { Field Variables } IconData: TNOTIFYICONDATA; fIcon : TIcon; fToolTip : String; fWindowHandle : HWND; fActive : boolean; fShowDesigning : Boolean; { Events } fOnClick : TNotifyEvent; fOnDblClick : TNotifyEvent; fOnRightClick : TMouseEvent; function AddIcon : boolean; function ModifyIcon : boolean; function DeleteIcon : boolean; procedure SetActive(Value : boolean); procedure SetShowDesigning(Value : boolean); procedure SetIcon(Value : TIcon); procedure SetToolTip(Value : String); procedure WndProc(var msg : TMessage); procedure FillDataStructure; protected constructor create(aOwner : TComponent); override; destructor destroy; override; public published property Active : boolean read fActive write SetActive; property ShowDesigning : boolean read fShowDesigning write SetShowDesigning; property Icon : TIcon read fIcon write SetIcon; property ToolTip : string read fTooltip write SetToolTip; property OnClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnRightClick : TMouseEvent read FOnRightClick write FonRightClick; end; procedure Register; implementation {$R TrayIcon.res} procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive(Value : boolean); begin if value fActive then begin fActive := Value; if not (csdesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Value then begin AddIcon; end else begin DeleteIcon; end; end; end; end; procedure TTrayIcon.SetShowDesigning(Value : boolean); begin if csdesigning in ComponentState then begin if value fShowDesigning then begin fShowDesigning := Value; if Value then begin AddIcon; end else begin DeleteIcon; end; end; end; end; procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon(Value : Ticon); begin if Value fIcon then begin fIcon.Assign(value); ModifyIcon; end; end; procedure TTrayIcon.SetToolTip(Value : string); begin // This routine ALWAYS re-sets the field value and re-loads the // icon. This is so the ToolTip can be set blank when the component // is first loaded. If this is changed, the icon will be blank on // the tray when no ToolTip is specified. if length( Value ) 62 then Value := copy(Value,1,62); fToolTip := value; ModifyIcon; end; constructor TTrayIcon.Create(aOwner : TComponent); begin inherited create(aOwner); FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd( WndProc ); FIcon := TIcon.Create; SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); end; destructor TTrayIcon.destroy; begin if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and fActive) or ((csDesigning in ComponentState) and fShowDesigning) then DeleteIcon; FIcon.Free; DeAllocateHWnd( FWindowHandle ); inherited destroy; end; procedure TTrayIcon.FillDataStructure; begin with IconData do begin cbSize := sizeof(TNOTIFYICONDATA); wnd := FWindowHandle; uID := 0; // is not passed in with message so make it 0 uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE + NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP; hIcon := fIcon.Handle; StrPCopy(szTip,fToolTip); uCallbackMessage := WM_TOOLTRAYICON; end; end; function TTrayIcon.AddIcon : boolean; begin FillDataStructure; result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD,@IconData); // For some reason, if there is no tool tip set up, then the icon // doesn't display. This fixes that. if fToolTip = '' then PostMessage( fWindowHandle, WM_RESETTOOLTIP,0,0 ); end; function TTrayIcon.ModifyIcon : boolean; begin FillDataStructure; if fActive then result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY,@IconData) else result := True; end; function TTrayIcon.DeleteIcon : boolean; begin result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE,@IconData); end; procedure TTrayIcon.WndProc(var msg : TMessage); var MouseCo: TPoint; begin with msg do if (msg = WM_RESETTOOLTIP) then SetToolTip( fToolTip ) else if (msg = WM_TOOLTRAYICON) then begin case lParam of WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: if assigned (FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick (self); WM_LBUTTONUP : if assigned(FOnClick)then FOnClick(self); WM_RBUTTONUP : if assigned (FOnRightClick)then begin GetCursorPos(MouseCo); FOnRightClick(self,mbRight,[], MouseCo.x, MouseCo.y); end; end; end else // Handle all messages with the default handler Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Win32', [TTrayIcon]); end; end.