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How to create a thumbnail from a JPEG image

Title: How to create a thumbnail from a JPEG image Question: Once I was trying to resize a jpeg image and made some Internet search. Believe or not, I couldn't find clear answers to my question, but it's very easy to do. The code below will reduce width and height of a chosen .jpg image. Go to "File / New / Console Application" and paste this code. Set the SizePct (a const on the code below, but can be a variable on your program) to fit your needs. If you want a new image with 30% of the original width and height set this to 30. All I do is load the JPEG on a TJPEGImage, create a bitmap and .StretchDraw the JPEG on the bitmap. Then I copy the bitmap to a TJPEGImage using the .Assign method, and, finally, save it. Enjoy! Answer: // ----- Code Starts Here ----- program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Classes, Windows, SysUtils, Dialogs, JPEG, Graphics; const SizePct : integer = 50; { The new image will have 50% of the original } var OpenDlg : TOpenDialog; SaveDlg : TSaveDialog; oJPG : TJPEGImage; oBmp : TBitmap; begin OpenDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(nil); SaveDlg := TSaveDialog.Create(nil); if (OpenDlg.Execute) then begin try begin oJPG := TJPEGImage.Create; oJPG.LoadFromFile(OpenDlg.FileName); end except MessageBox( 0, PChar('Error while trying to open ' + OpenDlg.FileName + '.'), PChar('Error'), MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR ); exit; end; oBmp := TBitmap.Create; oBmp.Width := Round(oJPG.Width * SizePct / 100); oBmp.Height := Round(oJPG.Height * SizePct / 100); oBmp.Canvas.StretchDraw( Rect(0, 0, oBmp.Width - 1, oBmp.Height - 1), oJPG ); oJPG.Assign(oBmp); oJPG.Compress; if (SaveDlg.Execute) then begin oJPG.SaveToFile(SaveDlg.FileName); end; oBmp.Free; oJPG.Free; end; OpenDlg.Free; SaveDlg.Free; end.