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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to create a directory with a specific iconcomment

Title: How to create a directory with a specific icon/comment Question: How to create a directory with a specific icon Answer: Works in Windows 2000\XP The following example create the directory c:\DelphiDir with lock icon, then set the read only attribute procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var iniFile : TStrings ; begin CreateDir('c:\DelphiDir') ; iniFile := TStringList.Create; iniFile.Add('[.ShellClassInfo]') ; iniFile.Add('IconFile='+ GetEnvironmentVariable('windir')+'\system32\SHELL32.DLL') ; iniFile.Add('IconIndex=47') ; iniFile.add('InfoTip=This is a locked folder') ; iniFile.SaveToFile('c:\DelphiDir\desktop.ini'); SysUtils.FileSetAttr('c:\DelphiDir',SysUtils.faReadOnly) ; SysUtils.FileSetAttr('c:\DelphiDir\desktop.ini', SysUtils.faSysFile or SysUtils.faHidden) ; iniFile.Free ; end ;