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How to Convert RichEdit to Bitmap

Title: How to Convert RichEdit to Bitmap uses RichEdit; // Sonic Delphi // function RTFtoBitmap(myRTF: TRichEdit; GiveSpaceForBorder: Integer): TBitmap; // using myRTF parameter with your TRichEdit control name, // default name "RichEdit1". // For GiveSpaceForBorder parameter, sometimes you need to draw // the RichEdit control with rectangle colorfull border, so you need // to give space for it. var myRect: TRect; temp: TBitmap; begin temp := TBitmap.Create; myRect := myRTF.ClientRect; // if you are using PRF_NONCLIENT parameter in myRTF.perform command // using this statement // myRect := Rect(0,0,MyRTF.Width,MyRTF.Height); temp.Width := myRect.Right; temp.Height := myRect.Bottom; with temp.Canvas do begin Lock; try myRTF.Perform(WM_PRINT, Handle, PRF_CLIENT); //you can trying to change PRF_CLIENT with //PRF_CHILDREN or PRF_CLIENT or PRF_NONCLIENT or PRF_ERASEBKGND //or combine them. See what happen... finally Unlock end; end; Result := TBitmap.Create; Result := CreateEmptyBmp(clWhite, temp.Width + GiveSpaceForBorder * 2, temp.Height + GiveSpaceForBorder * 2); Result.Canvas.Lock; Result.Canvas.Draw(GiveSpaceForBorder, GiveSpaceForBorder, temp); Result.Canvas.Unlock; temp.Free; end; // Here's to put colorfull border procedure MakeBorder(const bdr: TBitmap; BorderWidth: Integer; BorderColor: TColor); begin with bdr.Canvas do begin Brush.Style := bsClear; pen.Width := BorderWidth; pen.Color := BorderColor; rectangle(BorderWidth - 1, BorderWidth - 1, bdr.Width, bdr.Height); end; end; // Example how to using it // // var bmp : TBitmap; // begin // bmp := RTFtoBitmap(RichEdit1,2); // MakeBorder(bmp,2,clBlue); // Image1.Canvas.Draw(5,5,bmp); //; // end; // Hey, how to make it transparent ?? // Hmm.. think it by yourself. // I can only giving you one starting solution.. hehe