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How to Convert RGB Color to HSB (HSV) Color

Title: How to Convert RGB Color to HSB (HSV) Color The HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) model, also called HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), defines a color space commonly used in graphics applications. Hue value ranges from 0 to 360, Saturation and Brightness values range from 0 to 100%. The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is also used, primarily in web design. When written, RGB values are commonly specified using three integers between 0 and 255, each representing red, green, and blue intensities. Here's a function to convert a RGB color to a HSV color. uses Math; type TRGBColor = record Red, Green, Blue : Byte; end; THSBColor = record Hue, Saturnation, Brightness : Double; end; function RGBToHSB(rgb : TRGBColor) : THSBColor; var minRGB, maxRGB, delta : Double; h , s , b : Double ; begin H := 0.0 ; minRGB := Min(Min(rgb.Red, rgb.Green), rgb.Blue) ; maxRGB := Max(Max(rgb.Red, rgb.Green), rgb.Blue) ; delta := ( maxRGB - minRGB ) ; b := maxRGB ; if (maxRGB 0.0) then s := 255.0 * Delta / maxRGB else s := 0.0; if (s 0.0) then begin if rgb.Red = maxRGB then h := (rgb.Green - rgb.Blue) / Delta else if rgb.Green = maxRGB then h := 2.0 + (rgb.Blue - rgb.Red) / Delta else if rgb.Blue = maxRGB then h := 4.0 + (rgb.Red - rgb.Green) / Delta end else h := -1.0; h := h * 60 ; if h then h := h + 360.0; with result do begin Hue := h; Saturnation := s * 100 / 255; Brightness := b * 100 / 255; end; end;