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How to change the TDBNavigator images

Title: How to change the TDBNavigator images procedure ChangeDBNavImage(DBnav: TDbNavigator); var i: Integer; tempGlyph: TBitmap; ExePath: string; begin ExePath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); tempGlyph := TBitmap.Create; try with DBNav do begin for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[i].ClassName = 'TNavButton' then begin case TNavButton(Controls[i]).Index of nbFirst: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'first.bmp'); nbPrior: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'previous.bmp'); nbNext: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Next.bmp'); nbLast: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Last.bmp'); nbInsert: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Insert.bmp'); nbDelete: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Delete.bmp'); nbEdit: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Edit.bmp'); nbPost: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Post.bmp'); nbCancel: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Cancel.bmp'); nbRefresh: tempGlyph.LoadFromFile(ExePath + 'Refresh.bmp'); end; TNavButton(Controls[i]).Glyph := tempGlyph; end; end; end; finally tempGlyph.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ChangeDBNavImage(DBNavigator1); end;