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How to change the color channels of a bitmap

Title: How to change the color channels of a bitmap function SetRGBChannelValue(Bitmap: TBitmap; Red, Green, Blue: Integer): Boolean; var i, j: Integer; rgbc: array[0..2] of Byte; c: TColor; r, g, b: Byte; begin //Wenn keine ?nderungen vorgenommen werden, Vorgang beenden: //If there is no change, exit: if (Red = 0) and (Green = 0) and (Blue = 0) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; for i := 0 to Bitmap.Height do begin for j := 0 to Bitmap.Width do begin // Get the old Color c := Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[j, i]; // Splitt the old color into the different colors: rgbc[0] := GetRValue(c); rgbc[1] := GetGValue(c); rgbc[2] := GetBValue(c); //Check that there is no "new" color while the addition //of the values: if not (rgbc[0] + Red 0) and not (rgbc[0] + Red 255) then rgbc[0] := rgbc[0] + Red; if not (rgbc[1] + Green 0) and not (rgbc[1] + Green 255) then rgbc[1] := rgbc[1] + Green; if not (rgbc[2] + Blue 0) and not (rgbc[2] + Blue 255) then rgbc[2] := rgbc[2] + Blue; r := rgbc[0]; g := rgbc[1]; b := rgbc[2]; //set the new color back to the picture: Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[j, i] := RGB(r, g, b); end; end; Result := True; end; //Beispiel, wie man die Funktion benutzen kann: //Example, how to use it: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SetColorValue(Image1.picture.Bitmap, Spinedit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value, Spinedit3.Value); end;