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How to Brighten Darken a bitmap

Title: How to Brighten / Darken a bitmap Question: The following routine will allow you to whiten or darken an area of a bitmap. The whitewash value is either added or removed from the red, blue and green components of each pixel. specify a negative value between 0 and 255 to darken or a positive value between 0 and 255 to lighten. Answer: procedure WhiteWash(src: TBitmap; ARect : TRect; WhiteWashValue : integer = 128); function GetPixel(x,y : integer) : pRGBTriple; var line : pbytearray; begin line := src.ScanLine[y]; result := @line[x*3]; end; var x,y : integer; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; if ARect.Top if ARect.left if ARect.bottom src.Height then exit; if ARect.right src.Width then exit; for y := to ARect.bottom-1 do for x := ARect.left to Arect.right-1 do begin getpixel(x,y).rgbtRed := IntToByte(WhiteWashValue + getpixel(x,y).rgbtRed ); getpixel(x,y).rgbtGreen := IntToByte(WhiteWashValue + getpixel(x,y).rgbtGreen ); getpixel(x,y).rgbtBlue := IntToByte(WhiteWashValue + getpixel(x,y).rgbtBlue ); end; end; function IntToByte(i:Integer):Byte; begin if i255 then Result:=255 else if i Result:=0 else Result:=i; end;