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Highlight selected item with a different color in ListBox

Title: Highlight selected item with a different color in ListBox Question: A way to highlight selected item in different color. Answer: sometimes you want a way to highlight selected item with a different color in List Box for instance, put this code in OnClick Event to make the effect,with enhanced client wither: procedure TMainForm.ListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); var NewWidth:integer; begin with ListBox do begin //if the string item is wider than the List Box if (Canvas.TextWidth(Items[ItemIndex])+25 {for offset reason}) ListBox.Width then begin //calculate the new width NewWidht := Canvas.TextWidth(Items[ItemIndex])+8; //send message the List Box the add a //horizontal scroll bar to view the contenet SendMessage(ListBox.Handle , // horizontal scroll bar message flag LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, //set the new width NewWidht , 0); end else //calculate the width NewWidht := Canvas.TextWidth(Items[ItemIndex]) //put the color as you like or put a conditional code //and pass the color parameter Canvas.Brush.Color:=clGreen; Canvas.Pen.Color:=.Brush.Color; //highlight the item Canvas.FillRect(Rect(ItemRect(ItemIndex).Left, ItemRect(ItemIndex).Top, ItemRect(ItemIndex).Right+NewWidht, ItemRect(ItemIndex).Bottom)); //wright the text Canvas.TextOut(ItemRect(ItemIndex).Left, ItemRect(ItemIndex).Top, Items[ItemIndex]) end end;