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Graphic - How to store and retrieve GIF,BMP and JPG in a RDBMS

Title: How to store and retrieve GIF,BMP and JPG in a RDBMS. Question: You dont have to impose your users what kind of image to use. Specially because Gifs are better for some things(like Internet) and JPG are better for other things(because they have a better resolution). Answer: Hi, I create these functions because i wanted my systems to be able to Lead with GIF,BMP and JPG in a transparent way for the users view. Since i didnt find anything ready in any book,what i did was to join Ideas from many articles i found in the Intenet and exchange some Ideas in the Borland Newsgroups. I know this can be improved since the first two bytes of the image can Identify the image type without the need od a separete field. So if you can improve i,t be free to do so and send me an-email In order to use GIFS you have to download the Anders Melander TGIF image Wich is freeware. In order to use JPG you have to include the Jpeg unit in the uses Clause. legend IMA_TBR_FOTO=Timage OPD_TBR_FOTO=TOpenPictureDialog TBR_TIPOFOTO a persistent field of the client dataset wich stores the type of the image,char(3) can be JPG,BMP,GIF TBR_FOTO a persistent field (blob) in wich the image is stored. ================================================================= procedure TFormTrabalhador.BtnChangeimageClick(Sender: TObject); var Exts : String; begin if OPD_TBR_FOTO.Execute then begin Exts := copy(AnsiUpperCase(ExtractFileExt(OPD_TBR_FOTO.FileName)),2,MaxLongInt); if Exts = 'JPEG' then Exts := 'JPG'; Exts:=UpperCase(Exts); IF at(Exts,'JPG,GIF,BMP')=0 then Begin ShowMessage(this image type is not recognized); BtnChangeimage.SetFocus; Exit; end; IMA_TBR_FOTO.Picture.LoadFromFile(OPD_TBR_FOTO.Filename); DMClient.CLDSTrabalhador.Edit; DMClient.CLDSTrabalhadorTBR_TIPOFOTO.AsString:=Exts; DMClient.CLDSTrabalhadorTBR_FOTO.LoadFromFile(OPD_TBR_FOTO.Filename); end; end; Procedure TFormTrabalhador.LeImagem; var MyJpegImage : TJpegImage; MyGifImage : TGifImage; MyBMP : TBitMap; MyBlobStream:TClientBlobStream; begin MyBlobStream := TClientBlobStream.Create(TBlobField(DMClient.CLDSTrabalhador.FieldByName('TBR_foto')),bmRead); try if not(DMClient.CLDSTrabalhador.FieldByName('TBR_FOTO').IsNull) then begin if DMClient.CLDSTrabalhadorTBR_TIPOFOTO.AsString='BMP' then begin MyBMP:=TBitmap.Create; MyBMP.LoadFromStream(MyBlobStream); IMA_TBR_FOTO.Picture.Assign(MyBMP); MyBMP.Free; end else if DMClient.CLDSTrabalhadorTBR_TIPOFOTO.AsString='JPG' then begin MyJPegImage := TJPegImage.Create; MyJPegImage.LoadFromStream(MyBlobStream); IMA_TBR_FOTO.Picture.Assign(MyJPegImage); MyJPegImage.Free; end else begin MyGifImage := TGifImage.Create; MyGifImage.LoadFromStream(MyBlobStream); IMA_TBR_FOTO.Picture.Assign(MyGifImage.Bitmap); MyGifImage.Free; end; end else IMA_TBR_FOTO.Picture.assign(Nil); finally MyBlobStream.Free; end; end;