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Gradient fill procedure

Title: Gradient fill procedure Question: Gradient fill Answer: paste this on your form + 1 button and 2 panels and a paintbox and link the panels onclick event and you will see it work it is fairly fast. when using this code in your application it is suggested to first draw to a tbitmap this will when the screen area neads to be redrawn speed it up considerably. function getnewcolor(M1,M2:TColor;Location:Integer):TColor; var V : array[0..2] of Byte;//BeginRGBValue D : array[0..2] of integer;//RGBDifference R,G,B : Byte; K1,K2 :Longint; begin K1:=ColorToRGB(M1); K2:=ColorToRGB(M2); V[0] := GetRValue(K1); V[1] := GetGValue(K1); V[2] := GetBValue(K1); D[0] := GetRValue(K2)-V[0]; D[1] := GetGValue(K2)-V[1]; D[2] := GetBValue(K2)-V[2]; R := V[0] + MulDiv (Location, D[0], Form1.PaintBox1.Width - 1); G := V[1] + MulDiv (Location, D[1], Form1.PaintBox1.Width - 1); B := V[2] + MulDiv (Location, D[2], Form1.PaintBox1.Width - 1); Result:=RGB(R, G, B); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I :Integer; begin for i:=1 to PaintBox1.Width do begin PaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Color:=GetNewColor(panel1.color,panel2.color,i); PaintBox1.Canvas.MoveTo(i,1); PaintBox1.Canvas.LineTo(i,Panel2.Height); end; end; procedure TForm1.Panel1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ColorDialog1.Execute then if Sender=Panel1 then Panel1.Color:=ColorDialog1.Color else Panel2.Color:=ColorDialog1.Color; end;