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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Get the lighter or darker color of a TColor variable

Title: get the lighter or darker color of a TColor variable? { Here's some function that returns the lighter or darker color of a TColor. You can use it, for example, to design a bevel or something like that. } {=======================================} function Min(a, b: Longint): Longint; begin if a b then Result := b else Result := a; end; function Max(a, b: Longint): Longint; begin if a b then Result := a else Result := b; end; {=======================================} function GetHighlightColor(BaseColor: TColor): TColor; begin Result := RGB(Min(GetRValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) + 64, 255), Min(GetGValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) + 64, 255), Min(GetBValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) + 64, 255)); end; function GetShadowColor(BaseColor: TColor): TColor; begin Result := RGB(Max(GetRValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) - 64, 0), Max(GetGValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) - 64, 0), Max(GetBValue(ColorToRGB(BaseColor)) - 64, 0)); end;