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Get informations about bmp files

Title: get informations about bmp files? { This tip show, how to get the filesize, width, height, bitcount and color used from a bitmap. Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie man Dateigrösse, breite, höhe, Farbtiefe und Farbanzahl von einem Bitmap ausliest. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fileheader: TBitmapfileheader; infoheader: TBitmapinfoheader; s: TFilestream; begin s := TFileStream.Create('c:\YourBitmap.bmp', fmOpenRead); try s.Read(fileheader, SizeOf(fileheader)); s.Read(infoheader, SizeOf(infoheader)); finally s.Free; end; listbox1.Items.Clear; listbox1.Items.Add('Filesize: ' + IntToStr(fileheader.bfSize)); listbox1.Items.Add('Width: ' + IntToStr(infoheader.biWidth)); listbox1.Items.Add('Height: ' + IntToStr(infoheader.biHeight)); listbox1.Items.Add('BitCount: ' + IntToStr(infoheader.biBitCount)); listbox1.Items.Add('Used: ' + IntToStr(infoheader.biClrUsed)); end; { BitCount: 1 = black/white 4 = 16 colors 8 = 256 colors }