Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Get images (GIFJPG) dimensions

Title: Get images (GIF/JPG) dimensions Question: Get width and height of GIF/JPG images stored as arrays of bytes. Optimized to use within server apps. Answer: function GetJpegSize(a: array of byte; var width, height: integer): boolean; var i, n: integer; begin n := length(a) - 8; i := 1; while (i case a[i + 1] of $C0 .. $C3: //Goal block begin height := a[i + 5] * 256 + a[i + 6]; width := a[i + 7] * 256 + a[i + 8]; Result := True; exit; end; $FF: //Nop block inc(i); $D0 .. $D9, $01: //Info block inc(i, 2); else //Normal block inc(i, a[i + 2] * 256 + a[i + 3] + 2); end; Result := False; end; function GetGifSize(a: array of byte; var width, height: integer): boolean; begin Result := (a[1] = $47) and (a[2] = $49) and (a[3] = $46); //'GIF' Signature width := a[8] * 256 + a[7]; height := a[10] * 256 + a[9]; end; Functions return False if file is corrupted. Usage: var f: file; i, x, y: integer; a: array of byte; begin assignfile(f, YOUR_GIF_FILENAME); reset(f, 1); i := filesize(f); setlength(a, i); blockread(f, a[1], i); if GetGIFSize(a, x, y) then writeln('Width ', x, ' Height ',y) else writeln('Error'); closefile(f); readln; end.