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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Functional 3D Label RV3DLabel

Title: Functional 3D Label RV3DLabel Question: How can I create a custom 3D Label? Answer: unit RV3DLabel; interface uses SysUtils, windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,Menus; type T3DEffect = (Normal3d,Resit3d,Raised3d,Shadowed3d); TRV3DLabel = class(TLabel) private procedure setStyleEffect(Value : T3DEffect); procedure SetShadowColor(Value:TColor); procedure SetWhiteColor(Value:TColor); procedure DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word); procedure SetFhOffSet(Value: Integer); procedure SetFvOffSet(Value: Integer); procedure SetShadeLT(Value: Boolean); procedure WMMouseMove(var Msg: TWMMouseMove); message WM_MOUSEMOVE; procedure DoMouseOut(Msg: TWMMouseMove); protected MouseOut:TNotifyEvent; F3DEffect: T3DEffect; FShadowColor: TColor; FWhiteColor: TColor; FLast: TColor; FhOffSet,FvOffSet: Integer; FShadeLTSet: Boolean; procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Align; property Caption; property AStyle3D: T3DEffect read F3DEffect write setStyleEffect default Normal3d; property AShadeRightBottom: TColor read FShadowColor write SetShadowColor default clGray; property AShadeLeftTop: TColor read FWhiteColor write SetWhiteColor default clWhite; property AHShadeOffSet: Integer read FhOffSet write SetFhOffSet default 5; property AVShadeOffSet: Integer read FvOffSet write SetFvOffSet default -5; property AShadeLTSet: Boolean read FShadeLTSet write setShadeLT default true; property DragCursor; property DragMode; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Visible; property Transparent; property Width; property Top; property Left; property Height; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDrag; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseOut:TNotifyEvent read MouseOut write MouseOut; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TRV3DLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Transparent:=True; ParentColor:=False; FShadowColor:=clGray; FWhiteColor:=clWhite; FhOffSet:=5; FvOffSet:=-5; FLast:=clWhite; end; destructor TRV3DLabel.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word); var Text : PChar; Size : Byte; TmpRect : TRect; UpperColor: TColor; LowerColor: TColor; begin Size:=GetTextLen; Inc(Size); GetMem(Text,Size); GetTextBuf(Text,Size); if (Flags and DT_CALCRECT0) and ((Text[0]=#0) or ShowAccelChar and (Text[0]='&') and (Text[1]=#0)) then StrCopy(Text,' '); if not ShowAccelChar then Flags:=Flags or DT_NOPREFIX; Canvas.Font:=Font; if F3DEffect=Resit3d then begin UpperColor:=FShadowColor; LowerColor:=FWhiteColor; end else begin UpperColor:=FWhiteColor; LowerColor:=FShadowColor; end; if F3DEffect in [Resit3d,Raised3d] then begin TmpRect:=Rect; OffsetRect(TmpRect,1,1); Canvas.Font.Color:=LowerColor; DrawText(Canvas.Handle,Text,StrLen(Text),TmpRect,Flags); TmpRect:=Rect; OffsetRect(TmpRect,-1,-1); Canvas.Font.Color:=UpperColor; DrawText(Canvas.Handle,Text,StrLen(Text),TmpRect,Flags); end else if F3DEffect=Shadowed3d then begin TmpRect:=Rect; OffsetRect(TmpRect,FhOffSet,FvOffSet); Canvas.Font.Color:=LowerColor; DrawText(Canvas.Handle,Text,StrLen(Text),TmpRect,Flags); end; Canvas.Font.Color:=Font.Color; if not Enabled then Canvas.Font.Color:=clGrayText; DrawText(Canvas.Handle,Text,StrLen(Text),Rect,Flags); FreeMem(Text,Size); end; procedure TRV3DLabel.Paint; const Alignments: array[TAlignment] of Word = (DT_LEFT,DT_RIGHT,DT_CENTER); var Rect : TRect; Calcrect: TRect; Flags : LongInt; begin with Canvas do begin if not Transparent then begin Brush.Color:=Self.Color; Brush.Style:=bsSolid; FillRect(ClientRect); end; Brush.Style:=bsClear; Rect:=ClientRect; Flags := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_WORDBREAK or Alignments[Alignment]; if Layout tlTop then begin CalcRect := Rect; DoDrawText(CalcRect,Flags or DT_CALCRECT); if Layout = tlBottom then OffsetRect(Rect,0,Height - CalcRect.Bottom) else OffsetRect(Rect,0,(Height - CalcRect.Bottom) div 2); end; DoDrawText(Rect,Flags); end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.SetShadowColor(Value: TColor); begin if not (FShadowColor=Value) then begin FShadowColor:=Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.SetFhOffSet(Value: Integer); begin if ValueFhOffSet then begin FhOffSet:=Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.SetFvOffSet(Value: Integer); begin if ValueFvOffSet then begin FvOffSet:=Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.SetWhiteColor(Value: TColor); begin if not (FWhiteColor=Value) and (FShadeLTSet=false) then begin FWhiteColor:=Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.setStyleEffect(Value: T3DEffect); begin if F3DEffectValue then begin F3DEffect:=Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.SetShadeLT(Value: Boolean); begin if FShadeLTSetValue then begin FShadeLTSet:=Value; if FShadeLTSet=True then begin FLast:=FWhiteColor; FWhiteColor:=clWhite; end else FWhiteColor:=Flast; end; invalidate; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.WMMouseMove(var Msg: TWMMouseMove); begin if not MouseCapture then SetCaptureControl(Self); if MouseCapture and ((Msg.XPosWidth) or (Msg.YPosHeight)) then {MouseOut} begin SetCaptureControl(Nil); DoMouseOut(Msg); end; end; procedure TRV3DLabel.DoMouseOut(Msg: TWMMouseMove); begin if Assigned(MouseOut) then MouseOut(self); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Rendez-vous', [TRV3DLabel]); end; end.