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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Functional 3D DBLabel

Title: Functional 3D DBLabel Question: How can I create a custom 3D DBLabel Answer: ************************************************************************** You should get the code from another article I wrote before about 3D Label RV3DLabel ************************************************************************** This component have 5 special properties: 1. FontValueFalse: TFont Using this font if DataField = property #3 2. FontValueTrue: TFont Using this font if DataField property #3 3. InValueTrue: String 4. OutValueFalse: String Return string if property #3 = DataField 5. OutValueTrue: String Return string if property#3 DataField ************************************************************************** unit RVDB3DLabel; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, RV3DLabel, DBCtrls, DB, Messages, Graphics, VDBConsts; //You should use DBCONSTS for D5 instead of VDBCONSTS in the use clause type TRVDB3DLabel = class(TRV3DLabel) private FDataLink: TFieldDataLink; FFontValueFalse: TFont; FFontValueTrue: TFont; FInValueTrue: string; FOutValueFalse: string; FOutValueTrue: string; procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject); function GetDataField: string; function GetDataSource: TDataSource; function GetField: TField; function GetFieldText: string; procedure SetDataField(const Value: string); procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); procedure CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage); message CM_GETDATALINK; procedure SetFontValueFalse(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontValueTrue(const Value: TFont); protected function GetLabelText: string; override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override; function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override; function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; override; property Field: TField read GetField; published property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField; property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource; property FontValueFalse: TFont read FFontValueFalse write SetFontValueFalse; property FontValueTrue: TFont read FFontValueTrue write SetFontValueTrue; property InValueTrue: string read FInValueTrue write FInValueTrue; property OutValueFalse: string read FOutValueFalse write FOutValueFalse; property OutValueTrue: string read FOutValueTrue write FOutValueTrue; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Rendez-vous (DB)', [TRVDB3DLabel]); end; { TRVDB3DLabel } procedure TRVDB3DLabel.CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage); begin Message.Result := Integer(FDataLink); end; constructor TRVDB3DLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable]; AutoSize := False; ShowAccelChar := False; FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create; //Create DataLink FDataLink.Control := Self; FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange; FFontValueFalse := TFont.Create; FFontValueFalse.Assign(Font); FFontValueTrue := TFont.Create; FFontValueTrue.Assign(Font); FInValueTrue := ''; FOutValueFalse := ''; FOutValueTrue := ''; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.DataChange(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := GetFieldText; end; destructor TRVDB3DLabel.Destroy; begin FDataLink.Free; FDataLink := nil; FFontValueFalse.Free; FFontValueTrue.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TRVDB3DLabel.ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; begin Result := inherited ExecuteAction(Action) or (FDataLink nil) and FDataLink.ExecuteAction(Action); end; function TRVDB3DLabel.GetDataField: string; begin Result := FDataLink.FieldName; end; function TRVDB3DLabel.GetDataSource: TDataSource; begin Result := FDataLink.DataSource; end; function TRVDB3DLabel.GetField: TField; begin Result := FDataLink.Field; end; //Main condition for text displaying function TRVDB3DLabel.GetFieldText: string; begin if FDataLink.Field nil then begin if (FInValueTrue '') and (FInValueTrue = FDataLink.Field.Text) then begin Font.Assign(FontValueTrue); Result := FOutValueTrue; end else if (FInValueTrue '') and (FInValueTrue FDataLink.Field.Text) then begin Font.Assign(FontValueFalse); Result := FOutValueFalse; end else Result := FDataLink.Field.DisplayText end else if csDesigning in ComponentState then Result := Name else Result := ''; end; function TRVDB3DLabel.GetLabelText: string; begin if csPaintCopy in ControlState then Result := GetFieldText else Result := Caption; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then DataChange(Self); end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (FDataLink nil) and (AComponent = DataSource) then DataSource := nil; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean); begin if AutoSize Value then begin if Value and FDataLink.DataSourceFixed then DatabaseError(SDataSourceFixed); inherited SetAutoSize(Value); end; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.SetDataField(const Value: string); begin FDataLink.FieldName := Value; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); begin if not (FDataLink.DataSourceFixed and (csLoading in ComponentState)) then FDataLink.DataSource := Value; if Value nil then Value.FreeNotification(Self); end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.SetFontValueFalse(const Value: TFont); begin if Value FFontValueFalse then begin FFontValueFalse.Assign(Value); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVDB3DLabel.SetFontValueTrue(const Value: TFont); begin if Value FFontValueTrue then begin FFontValueTrue.Assign(Value); Invalidate; end; end; function TRVDB3DLabel.UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; begin Result := inherited UpdateAction(Action) or (FDataLink nil) and FDataLink.UpdateAction(Action); end; function TRVDB3DLabel.UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; begin Result := DBUseRightToLeftAlignment(Self, Field); end; end.