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Fast Quality reduction of Bitmap size using the Scanline system colors

Title: Fast Quality reduction of Bitmap size using the Scanline system colors. Question: Fast Quality reduction of Bitmap size using the Scanline system colors. Answer: function Shrink(PBitmap: TBitmap; Scale: Double): TBitmap; var LBitmap: TBitmap; DX, DY: Integer; SX, SY: Integer; SBox: TRect; DLine: PByteArray; SLine: PByteArray; ScaleF: Double; PixCount: Integer; LR,LG,LB: Integer; LSX, LDX: Integer; begin Result := nil; if not assigned(PBitmap) or (Scale 1) or (Scale or (PBitmap.Width or (PBitmap.Height if Scale = 1 then begin Result := PBitmap; Exit; end; if Scale = 0 then begin PBitmap.Width := 0; PBitmap.Height := 0; Result := PBitmap; end; ScaleF := 1 / Scale; LBitmap := TBitmap.Create; LBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; LBitmap.Assign(PBitmap); PBitmap.Width := round(LBitmap.Width * Scale); PBitmap.Height := round(LBitmap.Height * Scale); file://for each pixel in PBitmap do... for DY := 0 to PBitmap.Height - 1 do begin DLine := PBitmap.ScanLine[DY]; for DX := 0 to PBitmap.Width - 1 do begin SBox.Left := trunc(DX * ScaleF); SBox.Top := trunc(DY * ScaleF); SBox.Right := trunc((DX + 1) * ScaleF); SBox.Bottom := trunc((DY + 1) * ScaleF); LR := 0; LG := 0; LB := 0; PixCount := 0; for SY := SBox.Top to SBox.Bottom - 1 do begin SLine := LBitmap.ScanLine[SY]; for SX := SBox.Left to SBox.Right - 1 do begin LSX := SX * 3; inc(LR,SLine[LSX]); inc(LG,SLine[LSX + 1]); inc(LB,SLine[LSX + 2]); inc(PixCount); end; end; LDX := DX * 3; DLine[LDX] := LR div PixCount; DLine[LDX + 1] := LG div PixCount; DLine[LDX + 2] := LB div PixCount; LR := 0; LG := 0; LB := 0; end; end; LBitmap.Free; result := PBitmap; end;