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Encrypt a Bitmap

Title: Encrypt a Bitmap Question: Encrypt a Bitmap Answer: It is sometimes useful so that nobody modifies your logo or some similar image... The operation is very simple: to go through the bitmap byte to byte (by means of ScanLine), making a XOR with a byte obtained aleatorily. This way, if we call once to the function, we will encript the image, if we call it again, we obtain the original image. Example: - Put a TImage (Image1) in your form, and load any image. - Put a TButton (button1) and in its OnClick event, put this code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure EncriptaBMP(const BMP:TBitmap;Clave:integer); var BytesPorScan : integer; w,h : integer; p : pByteArray; begin {Hallamos cunto ocupa un Scan en bytes} try BytesPorScan:=Abs ( Integer(BMP.ScanLine[1])- Integer(BMP.ScanLine[0])); except raise exception.create('Error'); end; RandSeed:=Clave; for h:=0 to BMP.Height-1 do begin P:=BMP.ScanLine[h]; for w:=0 to BytesPorScan-1 do P^[w]:=P^[w] xor Random(256); end; end; begin EncriptaBMP(Image1.Picture.Bitmap,666); Image1.Refresh; end;