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Categories / Delphi / Graphic


Title: EasyGraphicsFunctions Question: This article contains the unit EasyGraphicsFunctions. This unit contains standard graphic functions used together with the previous posted components. NOTE! You need the other posts to be able to compile this components. You must disable the Compiled Resources (*.dcr) to compile this components. I'll send the dcr's to the admins and tell them to attach them. Answer: Unit EasyGraphicsFunctions; Interface Uses Controls, Classes, Windows, Graphics; Procedure DrawFadedBar(DstCanvas: TCanvas; FadeRect: TRect; DrawVertical: Boolean; StartColor, EndColor: TColor); Procedure DrawFadedBarEx(DstCanvas: TCanvas; FadeRect: TRect; DrawVertical: Boolean; StartColor, EndColor: TColor); Procedure MakeDisabledBitmap(var B: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor); Function GetBitmap(ImgList: TImageList; ImageIndex: Integer; Enabled, GotMouse: Boolean) : TBitmap; Implementation Procedure DrawFadedBar(DstCanvas: TCanvas; FadeRect: TRect; DrawVertical: Boolean; StartColor, EndColor: TColor); Var R, G, B : Real; Step_R : Real; Step_G : Real; Step_B : Real; X, Y : Integer; Len : Integer; I : Integer; Begin IF (DrawVertical) Then Len := FadeRect.Right-FadeRect.Left Else Len := FadeRect.Bottom-FadeRect.Top; IF (Len Step_R := (GetRValue(EndColor) - GetRValue(StartColor)) / Len; Step_G := (GetGValue(EndColor) - GetGValue(StartColor)) / Len; Step_B := (GetBValue(EndColor) - GetBValue(StartColor)) / Len; R := GetRValue(StartColor); G := GetGValue(StartColor); B := GetBValue(StartColor); X := FadeRect.Left; Y := FadeRect.Top; For I := 0 to Len do Begin DstCanvas.Pen.Color := RGB(Round(R), Round(G), Round(B)); IF (DrawVertical) Then Begin DstCanvas.MoveTo(X, FadeRect.Top); DstCanvas.LineTo(X, FadeRect.Bottom); End Else Begin DstCanvas.MoveTo(FadeRect.Left, Y); DstCanvas.LineTo(FadeRect.Right, Y); End; Inc(X); Inc(Y); R := R + Step_R; G := G + Step_G; B := B + Step_B; End; End; Procedure DrawFadedBarEx(DstCanvas: TCanvas; FadeRect: TRect; DrawVertical: Boolean; StartColor, EndColor: TColor); Var R : TRect; cR, cG, cB : Integer; Col1, Col2 : TColor; Begin IF (not DrawVertical) Then Begin cR := GetRValue(StartColor) - GetRValue(EndColor); cG := GetGValue(StartColor) - GetGValue(EndColor); cB := GetBValue(StartColor) - GetBValue(EndColor); R := FadeRect; R.Top := R.Bottom-5; // The bottom color got 6% of the total color change... Col1 := RGB( GetRValue(EndColor)+Round(cR*6/100), GetGValue(EndColor)+Round(cG*6/100), GetBValue(EndColor)+Round(cB*6/100) ); Col2 := EndColor; DrawFadedBar(DstCanvas, R, DrawVertical, Col1, Col2); Col2 := Col1; Col1 := RGB( GetRValue(StartColor)-Round(cR*6/100), GetGValue(StartColor)-Round(cG*6/100), GetBValue(StartColor)-Round(cB*6/100) ); R.Bottom := R.Top-1; R.Top := 5; DrawFadedBar(DstCanvas, R, DrawVertical, Col1, Col2); // The top color got 6% of the total color change... Col2 := Col1; Col1 := StartColor; R.Bottom := R.Top-1; R.Top := FadeRect.Top; DrawFadedBar(DstCanvas, R, DrawVertical, Col1, Col2); End; End; Procedure ScrambleBitmap(var BMP: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor); Var X, Y : Integer; Color : TColor; R, G, B : Integer; Begin With Bmp.Canvas do Begin For Y := 0 to Bmp.Height - 1 do Begin For X := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do Begin Color := Pixels[X, Y]; IF (Color TransparentColor) Then Begin R := GetRValue(Color); G := GetGValue(Color); B := GetBValue(Color); Pixels[X, Y] := 0; IF (R 100) and (G 100) and (B 100) Then Pixels[X, Y] := $FFFFFF; IF (R-G -16) and (R-G -16) and (R-B Begin IF (R 80) and (G 80) and (B 80) Then Pixels[X, Y] := $FFFFFF; End; IF (Pixels[X, Y] = $FFFFFF) and (R Begin // Verify that this pixel isn't a boundary that should be displayed afterall...! IF (R-G -16) and (R-G -16) and (R-B Begin IF (X Begin Color := Pixels[X+1, Y]; R := GetRValue(Color); G := GetGValue(Color); B := GetBValue(Color); IF (R 140) and (G 140) and (B 140) Then Begin Pixels[X, Y] := 0; End; End; IF (Y Begin Color := Pixels[X, Y+1]; R := GetRValue(Color); G := GetGValue(Color); B := GetBValue(Color); IF (R 140) and (G 140) and (B 140) Then Begin Pixels[X, Y] := 0; End; End; End; End; End Else Pixels[X, Y] := $FFFFFF; End; End; End; End; Procedure MakeDisabledBitmap(var B: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor); Var TmpBmp : TBitmap; X, Y : Integer; Begin IF (not Assigned(B)) Then Exit; B.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; TmpBmp := TBitmap.Create; TmpBmp.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; TmpBmp.Assign(B); B.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; B.Canvas.Brush.Color := TransparentColor; B.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, B.Width+1, B.Height+1)); ScrambleBitmap(TmpBmp, TransparentColor); For Y := 0 to TmpBmp.Height-1 do Begin For X := 0 to TmpBmp.Width-1 do Begin IF (TmpBmp.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] = 0) Then Begin B.Canvas.Pixels[X+1, Y+1] := clBtnHighlight; B.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := clBtnShadow; End; // B.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := TmpBmp.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y]; // B.Transparent := False; End; End; TmpBmp.Free; End; Procedure MakeShadow(var B: TBitmap); Var TransparentColor : TColor; X, Y : Integer; TmpBmp : TBitmap; Begin TransparentColor := B.Canvas.Pixels[B.Width-1, 0]; IF (B.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] = B.Canvas.Pixels[B.Width-1, B.Height-1]) and (B.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] = B.Canvas.Pixels[0, B.Height-1]) Then TransparentColor := B.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0]; TmpBmp := TBitmap.Create; TmpBmp.Assign(B); B.Width := B.Width+2; B.Height := B.Height+2; B.Canvas.Brush.Color := TransparentColor; B.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; B.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,B.Width, B.Height)); For Y := 0 to TmpBmp.Height-1 do Begin For X := 0 to TmpBmp.Width-1 do Begin IF (TmpBmp.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] TransparentColor) Then B.Canvas.Pixels[X+2,Y+2] := clGray; End; End; B.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TmpBmp); TmpBmp.Free; End; Function GetBitmap(ImgList: TImageList; ImageIndex: Integer; Enabled, GotMouse: Boolean) : TBitmap; Begin Result := TBitmap.Create; Result.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Result.Width := ImgList.Width; Result.Height := ImgList.Height; Result.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(10, 10, 10); Result.Canvas.FillRect( Rect(0,0,Result.Width,Result.Height) ); Result.Transparent := True; ImgList.Draw(Result.Canvas, 0, 0, ImageIndex, True); IF (not Enabled) Then Begin MakeDisabledBitmap(Result, Result.Canvas.Brush.Color); End Else IF (GotMouse) Then Begin MakeShadow(Result); End; End; End.