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Drawing a Shaded Rectangle

Title: Drawing a Shaded Rectangle Question: Using GradientFill API function Answer: The GradientFill function fills rectangle and triangle structures. To add smooth shading to a triangle, call the GradientFill function with the three triangle endpoints. GDI will linearly interpolate and fill the triangle. To add smooth shading to a rectangle, call GradientFill with the upper-left and lower-right coordinates of the rectangle. There are two shading modes used when drawing a rectangle. In horizontal mode, the rectangle is shaded from left-to-right. In vertical mode, the rectangle is shaded from top-to-bottom. First, you need the GradientFill function declaration (Windows.pas contains wrong dectaration of GradientFill function): type TRIVERTEX = packed record X, Y : DWORD; Red, Green, Blue, Alpha : Word; end; function GradientFill(DC : hDC; pVertex : Pointer; dwNumVertex : DWORD; pMesh : Pointer; dwNumMesh, dwMode: DWORD) : DWord; stdcall; external 'msimg32.dll'; The following example shows a horizontal rectangle call. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var vert : array[0..1] of TRIVERTEX; gRect : GRADIENT_RECT; begin vert [0] .x := 0; vert [0] .y := 0; vert [0] .Red := $0000; vert [0] .Green := $0000; vert [0] .Blue := $0000; vert [0] .Alpha := $0000; vert [1] .x := 100; vert [1] .y := 32; vert [1] .Red := $0000; vert [1] .Green := $0000; vert [1] .Blue := $ff00; vert [1] .Alpha := $0000; gRect.UpperLeft := 0; gRect.LowerRight := 1; GradientFill(Form1.Canvas.Handle, @vert,2,@gRect,1,GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H); end;