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Drawing a form by the shape of a bitmap the simple way

Title: Drawing a form by the shape of a bitmap - the simple way. Question: How do i shape a form by the outlines of a TBitmap image? Answer: How to make this work for your application : ------------------------------------------------- (I rewrote this part since some people didn't manage to run the application) 1. Create new application. 2. Insert a TBitmap object called 'image1' and place it in the most top-left location by setting the top and left properties of the TImage object to zero. (selecting a bmp for it will be cool too- do that by clicking the 'Picture' property of the TImage object) 3. Paste my code into you project. 4. Assign the FormCreate proc of your form. (by double clicking the 'OnCreate' event in the object inspector) 5. Set the form's border style to bsNone. 6. Press F9 :) (in order to close the application press Alt+F4) Some comments ------------------------------------------------- 1. The image must be saved as 24bit format. (However , you CAN make it work in other formats too, but that'll require some changes in the code) 2. This code will assume that the [0,0] pixel is background color and should not be visable.(you can change that by assigning something else to the 'transp' variable located at the beggining of the FormCreate proc) All pixels in your image, that has the same color as [0,0] will become transparent. 3. I wrote this one after I read the an article in the GUI category and decided that there must be a shorter way of doing this. The code --------------------------------------------- unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type //structure of the bitmap bit24=record r,g,b:byte; end; bit24array=array[0..0] of bit24; pbit24array=^bit24array; TForm1 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var x,y,rc:integer; tmprgn,tmprgn2,tmprgn3: HRGN; NewRgn : HRGN; b:tbitmap; p:pbit24Array; transp:bit24; begin NewRgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); b:=image1.Picture.Bitmap; p:= b.scanline[0]; //change this in order to set other color as bg transp:=p[0]; //loop for lines for y := 0 to b.height-1 do begin p:= b.scanline[y]; x:=0; //loop for rows : //this loop looks very stupid... //but it didn't work any other way: while x if (p[x].rtransp.r)or(p[x].gtransp.g) or(p[x].btransp.b) then begin rc:=1; while (p[x+rc].rtransp.r)and(p[x+rc].gtransp.g) and(p[x+rc].btransp.b) do inc(rc); tmprgn:=CreateRectRgn(x,y,x+rc,y+1); tmpRgn2:=CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); CombineRgn(tmpRgn2,newRgn,tmpRgn,RGN_OR); DeleteObject(newrgn); newrgn := tmprgn2; inc(x,rc); end else inc(x); end; //set to the new region SetWindowRgn(handle,NewRgn,false); DeleteObject(newrgn); DeleteObject(tmprgn); DeleteObject(tmprgn2); end; end. Enjoy ! Shlomi Loubaton