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Draw Text Antialiased (Revised)

Title: Draw Text Antialiased (Revised) Question: This routine will draw a text antialiased on a canvas of a bitmap. Antialiased text is prettier than plain text. Answer: This object will antialiase text written on a bitmap using scanline. The way the object works: - Destination bitmap is copied and doubled in size. - The text is written on the doubled bitmap in a font twice the size of the original font. - The whole bitmap is shrinked in half, and the image is antialiased in the process. With this approach the antialiasing routine aliases all edges of the font compared to the bitmap surrounding it. Everything is converted into 24 bit colors and is drawn with Scanline, which is approximately 5 times faster than using Pixel[]. Remember to set the font property of the destination bitmap to the font type you wish to antialiase. The font will be printed with transparent background. unit aliasing; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } interface { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } uses graphics, windows, classes, sysutils; const PIXELCOUNTMAX = 32768; type pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; TRGBArray = array[0..PIXELCOUNTMAX] of TRGBTriple; TAliasing = class private procedure CopyBitmap( ASrc : graphics.TBitmap; ADest : graphics.TBitmap ); public constructor Create; procedure AAliasText( ADest : graphics.TBitmap; AX, AY : integer; AText : string ); end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } implementation { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } constructor TAliasing.Create; begin inherited Create; end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TAliasing.CopyBitmap( ASrc : graphics.TBitmap; ADest : graphics.TBitmap ); var SrcRect : TRect; DestRect : TRect; begin SrcRect := Bounds( 0,0, ASrc.Width, ASrc.Height ); DestRect := Bounds( 0,0, ADest.Width, ADest.Height ); ADest.Canvas.CopyRect( DestRect, ASrc.Canvas, SrcRect ); end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TAliasing.AAliasText( ADest : graphics.TBitmap; AX, AY : integer; AText : string ); var x, y, i, j : integer; totr, totg, totb : Integer; BigBitmap : graphics.TBitmap; DestScan : pRGBArray; BigScan : pRGBArray; begin BigBitmap := graphics.TBitmap.Create; try BigBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; ADest.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BigBitmap.Width := ADest.Width * 2; BigBitmap.Height := ADest.Height * 2; CopyBitmap( ADest, BigBitmap ); BigBitmap.Canvas.Font := ADest.Canvas.Font; BigBitmap.Canvas.Font.Size := 2 * ADest.Canvas.Font.Size; BigBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; BigBitmap.Canvas.TextOut( AX, AY, AText ); // The "- 3" keeps us from falling off the edge // of BigBox. Over the edge the Pixel value returns // -1 and messes up the colors. for y := 0 to (BigBitmap.Height - 3) Div 2 do begin DestScan := pRGBArray( ADest.ScanLine[y] ); for x := 0 to (BigBitmap.Width - 3) Div 2 do begin // Compute the value of output pixel (x, y). totr := 0; totg := 0; totb := 0; for j := 0 to 1 do begin BigScan := pRGBArray( BigBitmap.ScanLine[2*y+j] ); for i := 0 to 1 do begin totr := totr + BigScan[2*x+i].rgbtRed; totg := totg + BigScan[2*x+i].rgbtGreen; totb := totb + BigScan[2*x+i].rgbtBlue; end; end; DestScan[x].rgbtBlue := totb shr 2; DestScan[x].rgbtGreen := totg shr 2; DestScan[x].rgbtRed := totr shr 2; end; end; finally BigBitmap.Free; end; end; end.