Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Draw buttons with rounded corners

Title: draw buttons with rounded corners? unit RVButton; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Messages, Graphics, Windows; const iOffset = 3; type TRVButton = class(TGraphicControl) private FCaption : string; FButtonColor: TColor; FLButtonDown: boolean; FBtnPoints : array[1..2] of TPoint; FKRgn : HRgn; procedure SetCaption(Value: string); procedure SetButtonColor(Value: TColor); procedure FreeRegion; protected procedure Paint; override; procedure DrawCircle; procedure MoveButton; procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN; procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); message WM_LBUTTONUP; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property ButtonColor: TColor read FButtonColor write SetButtonColor; property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property ShowHint; property Visible; property OnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TRVButton]); end; { TRVButton } constructor TRVButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csClickEvents,csCaptureMouse]; Width := 50; Height := 50; FButtonColor := clBtnFace; FKRgn := 0; FLButtonDown := False; end; destructor TRVButton.Destroy; begin if FKRgn 0 then FreeRegion; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TRVButton.DrawCircle; begin FBtnPoints[1] := Point(iOffset,iOffset); FBtnPoints[2] := Point(Width - iOffset,Height - iOffset); FKRgn := CreateEllipticRgn(FBtnPoints[1].x,FBtnPoints[1].y,FBtnPoints[2].x,FBtnPoints[2].y); Canvas.Brush.Color := FButtonColor; FillRgn(Canvas.Handle,FKRgn,Canvas.Brush.Handle); MoveButton; end; procedure TRVButton.FreeRegion; begin if FKRgn 0 then DeleteObject(FKRgn); FKRgn := 0; end; procedure TRVButton.MoveButton; var Color1: TColor; Color2: TColor; begin with Canvas do begin if not FLButtonDown then begin Color1 := clBtnHighlight; Color2 := clBtnShadow; end else begin Color1 := clBtnShadow; Color2 := clBtnHighLight; end; Pen.Width := 1; if FLButtonDown then Pen.Color := clBlack else Pen.Color := Color2; Ellipse(FBtnPoints[1].x - 2,FBtnPoints[1].y - 2,FBtnPoints[2].x + 2,FBtnPoints[2].y + 2); if not FLButtonDown then Pen.Width := 2 else Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Color := Color1; Arc(FBtnPoints[1].x,FBtnPoints[1].y,FBtnPoints[2].x,FBtnPoints[2].y, FBtnPoints[2].x,FBtnPoints[1].y,FBtnPoints[1].x,FBtnPoints[2].y); Pen.Color := Color2; Arc(FBtnPoints[1].x,FBtnPoints[1].y,FBtnPoints[2].x,FBtnPoints[2].y, FBtnPoints[1].x,FBtnPoints[2].y,FBtnPoints[2].x,FBtnPoints[1].y); end; SetCaption(''); end; procedure TRVButton.Paint; begin inherited Paint; FreeRegion; DrawCircle; end; procedure TRVButton.SetButtonColor(Value: TColor); begin if Value FButtonColor then begin FButtonColor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVButton.SetCaption(Value: string); var X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin if ((Value FCaption) and (Value '')) then begin FCaption := Value; end; with Canvas.Font do begin Name := Font.Name; Size := Font.Size; Style := Font.Style; if Self.Enabled then Color := Font.Color else Color := clDkGray; end; X := (Width div 2) - (Canvas.TextWidth(FCaption) div 2); Y := (Height div 2) - (Canvas.TextHeight(FCaption) div 2); Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, FCaption); // Invalidate; end; procedure TRVButton.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); begin if not PtInRegion(FKRgn,Message.xPos,Message.yPos) then exit; FLButtonDown := True; MoveButton; inherited; end; procedure TRVButton.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); begin if not FLButtonDown then exit; FLButtonDown := False; MoveButton; inherited; end; end.