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Draw a polygon with gouraud shading [3d graphics]

uses Graphics, Dialogs; TRGBFloat = record R : single; G : single; B : single; end; TPointColor = record X : integer; Y : integer; RGB : TRGBFloat; end; TPointColorTriangle = array[0..2] of TPointColor; {This procedure draws a triangular polygon using Gouraud shading. You specify the position and colour of the 3 corners and it will draw a filled triangle with the colours smoothed out over the surface of the polygon. This is used a lot in 3D graphics for improved rendering of curved surfaces. The procedure is very fast and can be used for realtime 3D animation.} // fill a traingular polygon using Gouraud shading procedure T3DModel.GouraudPoly(var ABitmap : TBitmap ; V : TPointColorTriangle); Var LX, RX, Ldx, Rdx : Single; Dif1, Dif2 : Single; LRGB, RRGB, RGB, RGBdx, LRGBdy, RRGBdy : TRGBFloat; RGBT : RGBTriple; Scan : PRGBTripleArray; y, x, ScanStart, ScanEnd : integer; Vmax : byte; Right : boolean; Temp : TPointColor; begin try // sort vertices by Y Vmax := 0; if V[1].Y > V[0].Y then Vmax := 1; if V[2].Y > V[Vmax].Y then Vmax := 2; if Vmax <> 2 then begin Temp := V[2]; V[2] := V[Vmax]; V[Vmax] := Temp; end; if V[1].Y > V[0].Y then Vmax := 1 else Vmax := 0; if Vmax = 0 then begin Temp := V[1]; V[1] := V[0]; V[0] := Temp; end; Dif1 := V[2].Y - V[0].Y; if Dif1 = 0 then Dif1 := 0.001; // prevent EZeroDivide Dif2 := V[1].Y - V[0].Y; if Dif2 = 0 then Dif2 := 0.001; { work out if middle point is to the left or right of the line connecting upper and lower points } if V[1].X > (V[2].X - V[0].X) * Dif2 / Dif1 + V[0].X then Right := True else Right := False; // calculate increments in x and colour for stepping through the lines if Right then begin Ldx := (V[2].X - V[0].X) / Dif1; Rdx := (V[1].X - V[0].X) / Dif2; LRGBdy.B := (V[2].RGB.B - V[0].RGB.B) / Dif1; LRGBdy.G := (V[2].RGB.G - V[0].RGB.G) / Dif1; LRGBdy.R := (V[2].RGB.R - V[0].RGB.R) / Dif1; RRGBdy.B := (V[1].RGB.B - V[0].RGB.B) / Dif2; RRGBdy.G := (V[1].RGB.G - V[0].RGB.G) / Dif2; RRGBdy.R := (V[1].RGB.R - V[0].RGB.R) / Dif2; end else begin Ldx := (V[1].X - V[0].X) / Dif2; Rdx := (V[2].X - V[0].X) / Dif1; RRGBdy.B := (V[2].RGB.B - V[0].RGB.B) / Dif1; RRGBdy.G := (V[2].RGB.G - V[0].RGB.G) / Dif1; RRGBdy.R := (V[2].RGB.R - V[0].RGB.R) / Dif1; LRGBdy.B := (V[1].RGB.B - V[0].RGB.B) / Dif2; LRGBdy.G := (V[1].RGB.G - V[0].RGB.G) / Dif2; LRGBdy.R := (V[1].RGB.R - V[0].RGB.R) / Dif2; end; LRGB := V[0].RGB; RRGB := LRGB; LX := V[0].X; RX := V[0].X; // fill region 1 for y := V[0].Y to V[1].Y - 1 do begin // y clipping if y > ABitmap.Height - 1 then Break; if y < 0 then begin LX := LX + Ldx; RX := RX + Rdx; LRGB.B := LRGB.B + LRGBdy.B; LRGB.G := LRGB.G + LRGBdy.G; LRGB.R := LRGB.R + LRGBdy.R; RRGB.B := RRGB.B + RRGBdy.B; RRGB.G := RRGB.G + RRGBdy.G; RRGB.R := RRGB.R + RRGBdy.R; Continue; end; Scan := ABitmap.ScanLine[y]; // calculate increments in color for stepping through pixels Dif1 := RX - LX + 1; if Dif1 = 0 then Dif1 := 0.001; RGBdx.B := (RRGB.B - LRGB.B) / Dif1; RGBdx.G := (RRGB.G - LRGB.G) / Dif1; RGBdx.R := (RRGB.R - LRGB.R) / Dif1; // x clipping if LX < 0 then begin ScanStart := 0; RGB.B := LRGB.B + (RGBdx.B * abs(LX)); RGB.G := LRGB.G + (RGBdx.G * abs(LX)); RGB.R := LRGB.R + (RGBdx.R * abs(LX)); end else begin RGB := LRGB; ScanStart := round(LX); end; if RX - 1 > ABitmap.Width - 1 then ScanEnd := ABitmap.Width - 1 else ScanEnd := round(RX) - 1; // scan the line for x := ScanStart to ScanEnd do begin RGBT.rgbtBlue := trunc(RGB.B); RGBT.rgbtGreen := trunc(RGB.G); RGBT.rgbtRed := trunc(RGB.R); Scan[x] := RGBT; RGB.B := RGB.B + RGBdx.B; RGB.G := RGB.G + RGBdx.G; RGB.R := RGB.R + RGBdx.R; end; // increment edge x positions LX := LX + Ldx; RX := RX + Rdx; // increment edge colours by the y colour increments LRGB.B := LRGB.B + LRGBdy.B; LRGB.G := LRGB.G + LRGBdy.G; LRGB.R := LRGB.R + LRGBdy.R; RRGB.B := RRGB.B + RRGBdy.B; RRGB.G := RRGB.G + RRGBdy.G; RRGB.R := RRGB.R + RRGBdy.R; end; Dif1 := V[2].Y - V[1].Y; if Dif1 = 0 then Dif1 := 0.001; // calculate new increments for region 2 if Right then begin Rdx := (V[2].X - V[1].X) / Dif1; RX := V[1].X; RRGBdy.B := (V[2].RGB.B - V[1].RGB.B) / Dif1; RRGBdy.G := (V[2].RGB.G - V[1].RGB.G) / Dif1; RRGBdy.R := (V[2].RGB.R - V[1].RGB.R) / Dif1; RRGB := V[1].RGB; end else begin Ldx := (V[2].X - V[1].X) / Dif1; LX := V[1].X; LRGBdy.B := (V[2].RGB.B - V[1].RGB.B) / Dif1; LRGBdy.G := (V[2].RGB.G - V[1].RGB.G) / Dif1; LRGBdy.R := (V[2].RGB.R - V[1].RGB.R) / Dif1; LRGB := V[1].RGB; end; // fill region 2 for y := V[1].Y to V[2].Y - 1 do begin // y clipping if y > ABitmap.Height - 1 then Break; if y < 0 then begin LX := LX + Ldx; RX := RX + Rdx; LRGB.B := LRGB.B + LRGBdy.B; LRGB.G := LRGB.G + LRGBdy.G; LRGB.R := LRGB.R + LRGBdy.R; RRGB.B := RRGB.B + RRGBdy.B; RRGB.G := RRGB.G + RRGBdy.G; RRGB.R := RRGB.R + RRGBdy.R; Continue; end; Scan := ABitmap.ScanLine[y]; Dif1 := RX - LX + 1; if Dif1 = 0 then Dif1 := 0.001; RGBdx.B := (RRGB.B - LRGB.B) / Dif1; RGBdx.G := (RRGB.G - LRGB.G) / Dif1; RGBdx.R := (RRGB.R - LRGB.R) / Dif1; // x clipping if LX < 0 then begin ScanStart := 0; RGB.B := LRGB.B + (RGBdx.B * abs(LX)); RGB.G := LRGB.G + (RGBdx.G * abs(LX)); RGB.R := LRGB.R + (RGBdx.R * abs(LX)); end else begin RGB := LRGB; ScanStart := round(LX); end; if RX - 1 > ABitmap.Width - 1 then ScanEnd := ABitmap.Width - 1 else ScanEnd := round(RX) - 1; // scan the line for x := ScanStart to ScanEnd do begin RGBT.rgbtBlue := trunc(RGB.B); RGBT.rgbtGreen := trunc(RGB.G); RGBT.rgbtRed := trunc(RGB.R); Scan[x] := RGBT; RGB.B := RGB.B + RGBdx.B; RGB.G := RGB.G + RGBdx.G; RGB.R := RGB.R + RGBdx.R; end; LX := LX + Ldx; RX := RX + Rdx; LRGB.B := LRGB.B + LRGBdy.B; LRGB.G := LRGB.G + LRGBdy.G; LRGB.R := LRGB.R + LRGBdy.R; RRGB.B := RRGB.B + RRGBdy.B; RRGB.G := RRGB.G + RRGBdy.G; RRGB.R := RRGB.R + RRGBdy.R; end; except ShowMessage('Exception in GouraudPoly Method'); end; end;