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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Draw a highlight box around the control under the mouse

{ This tip might be useful if you want to program a screen capture tool and show a bounding box around a control or for a spy tool like winsight to highlight a object on the screen. } { Dieser Tipp könnte vielleicht nützlich sein, wenn man einen Printscreen machen möchte und das Control unter der Maus hervorheben möchte. Auch für ein Spy Programm könnte man diese Funktion gebrauchen, um ein bestimmtes Control hervorzuheben (siehe Winsight) } var hOldWnd :HWND; procedure FrameWindow(Wnd: HWnd); var Rect: TRect; DC: hDC; OldPen, Pen: hPen; OldBrush, Brush: hBrush; X2, Y2: Integer; begin { Get the target window's rect and DC } GetWindowRect(Wnd, Rect); DC := GetWindowDC(Wnd); { Set ROP appropriately for highlighting } SetROP2(DC, R2_NOT); { Select brush and pen } Pen := CreatePen(PS_InsideFrame, 4, 0); OldPen := SelectObject(DC, Pen); Brush := GetStockObject(Null_Brush); OldBrush := SelectObject(DC, Brush); { Set dimensions of highlight } X2 := Rect.Right - Rect.Left; Y2 := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; { Draw highlight box } Rectangle(DC, 0, 0, X2, Y2); { Clean up } SelectObject(DC, OldBrush); SelectObject(DC, OldPen); ReleaseDC(Wnd, DC); { Do NOT delete the brush, because it was a stock object } DeleteObject(Pen); end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var hNewWnd: HWnd; begin hNewWnd := WindowFromPoint(Mouse.CursorPos); { To avoid flickering, remove the old frame ONLY if moved to new window } if hNewWnd <> hOldWnd then begin if hOldWnd <> 0 then FrameWindow(hOldWnd); if hNewWnd <> 0 then FrameWindow(hNewWnd); hOldWnd := hNewWnd; end; end;