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Determine if two 3D segments are parallel to each other

Title: Determine if two 3D segments are parallel to each other Function SegmentsParallel(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4:Double):Boolean; Var Dx1,Dx2 : Double; Dy1,Dy2 : Double; Dz1,Dz2 : Double; Begin { Theory: If the gradients in the following planes x-y, y-z, z-x are equal then it can be said that the segments are parallel in 3D, However as of yet I haven't been able to prove this "mathematically". Worst case scenario: 6 floating point divisions and 9 floating point subtractions } Result := False; { There is a division-by-zero problem that needs attention. My initial solution to the problem is to check divisor of the divisions. } Dx1 := x1-x2; Dx2 := x3-x4; //If (IsEqual(dx1,0.0) Or IsEqual(dx2,0.0)) And NotEqual(dx1,dx2) Then Exit; Dy1 := y1-y2; Dy2 := y3-y4; //If (IsEqual(dy1,0.0) Or IsEqual(dy2,0.0)) And NotEqual(dy1,dy2) Then Exit; Dz1 := z1-z2; Dz2 := z3-z4; //If (IsEqual(dy1,0.0) Or IsEqual(dy2,0.0)) And NotEqual(dy1,dy2) Then Exit; If NotEqual(Dy1/Dx1,Dy2/Dx2) Then Exit; If NotEqual(Dz1/Dy1,Dz2/Dy2) Then Exit; If NotEqual(Dx1/Dz1,Dx2/Dz2) Then Exit; Result := True; End; (* End Of SegmentsParallel*) Const Epsilon = 1.0E-12; Function IsEqual(Val1,Val2:Double):Boolean; Var Delta:Double; Begin Delta := Abs(Val1-Val2); Result := (Delta Epsilon); End; (* End Of Not Equal *)