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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Determine if 3 points are collinear in 3D

Title: Determine if 3 points are collinear in 3D? function Collinear(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3: Double): Boolean; var Dx1, Dx2: Double; Dy1, Dy2: Double; Dz1, Dz2: Double; Cx, Cy, Cz: Double; //Var AB,AC,BC:Double; begin {find the difference between the 2 points P2 and P3 to P1 } Dx1 := x2 - x1; Dy1 := y2 - y1; Dz1 := z2 - z1; Dx2 := x3 - x1; Dy2 := y3 - y1; Dz2 := z3 - z1; {perform a 3d cross product} Cx := Dy1 * Dz2 - Dy2 * Dz1; Cy := Dx2 * Dz1 - Dx1 * Dz2; Cz := Dx1 * Dy2 - Dx2 * Dy1; Result := IsEqual(Cx * Cx + Cy * Cy + Cz * Cz, 0.0); { Note: The method below is very stable and logical, however at the same time it is "VERY" inefficient, it requires 3 SQRTs which is not acceptable... Result:=False; AB:=Distance(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2); AC:=Distance(x1,y1,z1,x3,y3,z3); BC:=Distance(x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3); If (AB+AC) = BC Then Result:=True Else If (AB+BC) = AC Then Result:=True Else If (AC+BC) = AB Then Result:=True; } end; (* End Of Collinear *) // vérifier si 3 points appartiennent à une même droite tridimensionnelle // c.a.d s'ils sont alignés.