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Darken or Lighten TColor

Title: Darken or Lighten TColor? // Takes a TColor and returns either the lighter or darker color, depending on // the supplied integer (percentage of original to add or subtract) // I don't know if this is 100% correct - I did it away from my computer. function TMainForm.ChangeColor(InputColor: TColor; Lighten: Boolean; n: Extended): TColor; var r,g,b: extended; begin // Grab RGB values r := GetRValue(InputColor); g := GetGValue(InputColor); b := GetBValue(InputColor); // Do the operation if Lighten = True then begin r := r+((r/255)*100); g := g+((g/255)*100); b := b+((b/255)*100); end else begin r := r-((r/255)*100); g := g-((g/255)*100); b := b-((b/255)*100); end; // Check whether result is in range if r 255 then r := 255; if r then r := 0; if g 255 then g := 255; if g then g := 0; if b 255 then b := 255; if b then b := 0; // Send it out Result := RGB(byte(Round(r)),byte(Round(g)),byte(Round(b))); end;