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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Create a fade out effect for the TImage component

Title: Create a fade-out effect for the TImage component Question: How can I fade-out a TBitmap or TJPEGImage? Answer: { Author: Cosmin Prlitu E-mail: The following code is the (improved) result of 2 articles from Delphi3000. Article 1 Article 2 I would like o thank both authors for their code! Now code supports TJPEGImage and all TBitmap Formats (pf8/16/24/32) The code is slow with large images! Feel free to improve the code - but make it public... } uses JPEG; {... code ...} procedure ImageToBitmap(Img: TImage; BMP: TBitmap); begin if (BMP=nil) then begin BMP:=TBitmap.Create; BMP.PixelFormat:=pfDevice; end; BMP.Width:=Img.Picture.Width; BMP.Height:=Img.Picture.Height; if Img.Picture.Graphic is TJPEGImage then BMP.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Img.Picture.Graphic) else BMP.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Img.Picture.Bitmap); end; procedure FadeOut(const B: TImage; Pause: integer); var BMP: TBitmap; BPS: integer; W,H: integer; pBA: pByteArray; Counter: integer; begin BMP:=TBitmap.Create; BMP.PixelFormat:=pfDevice; ImageToBitmap(B,BMP); try BPS:=Abs(Integer(BMP.ScanLine[1])-Integer(BMP.ScanLine[0])); except raise exception.create('Error!'); end; { Decrease the RGB components of each single pixel } for Counter:=1 to 256 do begin for H:=0 to BMP.Height-1 do begin pBA:=BMP.ScanLine[H]; for W:=0 to BPS-1 do if pBA^[W]0 then pBA^[W]:=pBA^[W]-1; end; Sleep(Pause); B.Picture.Bitmap:=BMP; B.Refresh; end; end; { place a TImage on the Form and load a BMP or JPG file } procedure TMainForm.FadeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin FadeOut(Image1,5); end;