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Create a control like the `open icon` present in the speed bar of Delphi 3

Title: Create a control like the `open icon` present in the speed bar of Delphi 3 Question: Have you seen open button on the toolbar of Delphi 3. When you click on one part of the icon the open dialog box is displayed. when you click on the other part a list of recent files are shown. How can you create such a control in Delphi? Answer: Have you seen open button on the toolbar of Delphi 3. When you click on one part of the icon the open dialog box is displayed. when you click on the other part a list of recent files are shown. How can you create such a control in Delphi? I have totally changed the previous component that I had created. Now I have created a component called TDoubleButton derived from the Tgraphiccontrol. I have added these properties. Picture1: used for showing the bitmap of first button. Picture2: used for showing the bitmap of second button. Picture1left and Picture1top: usedfor positioning the bitmap in the firstbutton Picture2left and Picture2top: used for positioning the bitmap in the second button SelectedButton: If the first button is clicked selectedbutton has value 0. and If the second button is clicked selectedbutton has the value 1. The new control has the same flat look as the button found in Delphi3 as well as the 'back' button found in Internet Explorer 5.0. In the mousedown event handler you can findout which button was pushed and perform a function accordingly. here is the updated code. The code is also much smaller. unit DoubleButton; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,ExtCtrls, CommCtrl; type Tbuttonstate=(bsfocused,bsup1,bsup2,bsdown1,bsdown2,bsnull); TDoubleButton = class(TGraphicControl) private { Private declarations } protected splitpos:integer; selbutton:integer; rec1,rec2,rec3:trect; Fstate:Tbuttonstate; bdown1,bdown2:boolean; pic1,pic2:tbitmap; picpos1,picpos2:tpoint; procedure CMMouseEnter(var msg:Tmessage);message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure CMMouseLeave(var msg:Tmessage);message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure CMHitTest(var msg:Tmessage);message WM_NCHITTEST; procedure MouseDown(Button:TMouseButton ; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer);override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);override; procedure MouseUp(Button:TMouseButton ; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer);override; procedure paint;override; procedure setsplitpos(asplitpos:integer); procedure setpic1(apic:tbitmap); procedure setpic2(apic:tbitmap); procedure setpicpos1left(apicleft:integer); procedure setpicpos1top(apictop:integer); procedure setpicpos2left(apicleft:integer); procedure setpicpos2top(apictop:integer); public procedure setbounds(left:integer;top:integer;width:integer;height:integer);override; procedure loaded;override; constructor create(aowner:tcomponent);override; property SelectedButton:integer read selbutton; published property SplitPosition:integer read splitpos write setsplitpos; property Picture1:TBitmap read pic1 write setpic1; property Picture2:TBitmap read pic2 write setpic2; property Picture1Left:integer read picpos1.x write setpicpos1left; property Picture1Top:integer read picpos1.y write setpicpos1top; property Picture2Left:integer read picpos2.x write setpicpos2left; property Picture2Top:integer read picpos2.y write setpicpos2top; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TdoubleButton.create(aowner:tcomponent); begin inherited; pic1:=TBitmap.create; pic2:=TBitmap.create; pic1.TransparentColor:=clOlive; pic1.Transparent:=true; pic2.TransparentColor:=clOlive; pic2.Transparent:=true; fstate:=bsnull; bdown1:=false; bdown2:=false; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpicpos1left(apicleft:integer); begin if (apicleft=0) then picpos1.x:=apicleft; invalidate; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpicpos1top(apictop:integer); begin if (apictop)=0 then picpos1.y:=apictop; invalidate; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpicpos2left(apicleft:integer); begin if (apicleft=0) then picpos2.x:=apicleft; invalidate; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpicpos2top(apictop:integer); begin if (apictop)=0 then picpos2.y:=apictop; invalidate; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpic1(apic:tbitmap); begin pic1.Assign(apic); end; procedure TdoubleButton.setpic2(apic:tbitmap); begin pic2.Assign(apic); end; procedure TdoubleButton.loaded; begin inherited; end; procedure TdoubleButton.CMHitTest(var msg:Tmessage); var pt1:tpoint; begin inherited; pt1.x:=msg.LParamLo; pt1.y:=msg.LParamHi; if (ptinrect(rec1,pt1))=false then begin fstate:=bsnull; invalidate; end; end; procedure TdoubleButton.MouseUp(Button:TMouseButton ; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); var pt:tpoint; begin if not(csdesigning in componentstate) then begin pt.x:=x; pt.y:=y; if (ptinrect(rec2,pt)) and (button=mbleft) then begin fstate:=bsup1; bdown1:=false; if bdown2=true then bdown2:=false; end else if ptinrect(rec3,pt) and (button=mbleft) then begin fstate:=bsup2; bdown2:=false; end; invalidate; end; inherited; end; procedure TDoubleButton.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var pt:tpoint; begin pt.x:=x; pt.y:=y; if ptinrect(rec2,pt) then selbutton:=0 else if ptinrect(rec3,pt) then selbutton:=1; end; procedure TdoubleButton.MouseDown(Button:TMouseButton ; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); var pt:tpoint; begin if not(csdesigning in componentstate) then begin pt.x:=x; pt.y:=y; if (ptinrect(rec2,pt)) and (button=mbleft) then begin if Fstate=bsdown2 then selbutton:=-1 else selbutton:=0; fstate:=bsdown1; bdown1:=true; end else if ptinrect(rec3,pt) and (button=mbleft) then begin if Fstate=bsdown2 then begin selbutton:=-1; fstate:=bsup2; bdown2:=false; end else begin selbutton:=1; fstate:=bsdown2; bdown2:=true; end; end; invalidate; end; inherited; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setsplitpos(asplitpos:integer); begin if (asplitpos0) and (asplitpos begin splitpos:=asplitpos; rec2.left:=clientrect.left;; rec2.Right:=clientrect.left+splitpos;; rec3.left:=clientrect.left+splitpos;; rec3.Right:=clientrect.left+width;; invalidate; end; end; procedure TdoubleButton.setbounds(left:integer;top:integer;width:integer;height:integer); begin inherited; rec1.Left:=clientrect.left;; rec1.Right:=clientrect.left+width;; rec2.left:=clientrect.left;; rec2.Right:=clientrect.left+splitpos;; rec3.left:=clientrect.left+splitpos;; rec3.Right:=clientrect.left+width;; end; procedure Tdoublebutton.paint; var DC:integer; tmprec:trect; begin inherited; canvas.Brush.Style:=bssolid; canvas.Brush.color:=clBtnFace; DC:=canvas.Handle; pic1.TransparentColor:=pic1.canvas.Pixels[0,0]; pic1.Transparent:=true; pic2.TransparentColor:=pic2.canvas.Pixels[0,0]; pic2.Transparent:=true; if pic1.height( then pic1.Height:=(; if pic1.Width(rec2.right-rec2.left) then pic1.Width:=(rec2.right-rec2.left); if pic2.height( then pic2.Height:=(; if pic2.Width(rec3.right-rec3.left) then pic2.Width:=(rec3.right-rec3.left); canvas.Draw(rec2.left+picpos1.x ,,pic1); canvas.Draw(rec3.left+picpos2.x,,pic2); if (csdesigning in componentstate) then begin tmprec:=rec2; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); dec(tmprec.Bottom); dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); tmprec:=rec3; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); Dec(tmprec.Bottom); Dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); end; if not(csdesigning in componentstate) then begin if (fstate=bsfocused)or (fstate=bsup1)or (fstate=bsup2) or((fstate=bsdown1) and (bdown2=true)) then begin tmprec:=rec2; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); dec(tmprec.Bottom); dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); tmprec:=rec3; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); Dec(tmprec.Bottom); Dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); //canvas.StretchDraw(rec2,pic1); end else if (fstate=bsdown1) and (bdown2=false) then begin tmprec:=rec2; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT or BF_SOFT); dec(tmprec.Bottom); dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_TOPLEFT or BF_SOFT); tmprec:=rec3; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT or BF_SOFT); Dec(tmprec.Bottom); Dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_TOPLEFT or BF_SOFT); end else if(fstate=bsdown2) then begin tmprec:=rec2; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); dec(tmprec.Bottom); dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); tmprec:=rec3; DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT or BF_SOFT); Dec(tmprec.Bottom); Dec(tmprec.Right); DrawEdge(DC, tmprec, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_TOPLEFT or BF_SOFT); end else begin fstate:=bsnull; bdown1:=false; bdown2:=false; end; end; end; procedure TDoubleButton.CMMouseEnter(var msg:Tmessage); begin inherited; Fstate:=bsfocused; invalidate; end; procedure TDoubleButton.CMMouseLeave(var msg:Tmessage); begin fstate:=bsnull; selbutton:=-1; invalidate; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDoubleButton]); end; copy the code into a pas file and register it by using Install Component. Create the control and put it in a TCoolBar Component. please tell me if you find any bugs.