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CopiePaste a Bitmap tofrom the clipboard

Title: Copie/Paste a Bitmap to/from the clipboard? { In order to run this example you will need the GR32 Unit from the package to run this example. } unit EG_ClipboardBitmap32; { Author William Egge. January 17, 2002 Compiles with ver 1.2 patch #1 of Graphics32 This unit will copy and paste Bitmap32 pixels to the clipboard and retain the alpha channel. The clipboard data will still work with regular paint programs because this unit adds a new format only for the alpha channel and is kept seperate from the regular bitmap storage. } interface uses ClipBrd, Windows, SysUtils, GR32; procedure CopyBitmap32ToClipboard(const Source: TBitmap32); procedure PasteBitmap32FromClipboard(const Dest: TBitmap32); function CanPasteBitmap32: Boolean; implementation const RegisterName = 'G32 Bitmap32 Alpha Channel'; GlobalUnlockBugErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; var FAlphaFormatHandle: Word = 0; procedure RaiseSysError; var ErrCode: LongWord; begin ErrCode := GetLastError(); if ErrCode NO_ERROR then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ErrCode)); end; function GetAlphaFormatHandle: Word; begin if FAlphaFormatHandle = 0 then begin FAlphaFormatHandle := RegisterClipboardFormat(RegisterName); if FAlphaFormatHandle = 0 then RaiseSysError; end; Result := FAlphaFormatHandle; end; function CanPasteBitmap32: Boolean; begin Result := Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP); end; procedure CopyBitmap32ToClipboard(const Source: TBitmap32); var H: HGLOBAL; Bytes: LongWord; P, Alpha: PByte; I: Integer; begin Clipboard.Assign(Source); if not OpenClipboard(0) then RaiseSysError else try Bytes := 4 + (Source.Width * Source.Height); H := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_DDESHARE, Bytes); if H = 0 then RaiseSysError; P := GlobalLock(H); if P = nil then RaiseSysError else try PLongWord(P)^ := Bytes - 4; Inc(P, 4); // Copy Alpha into Array Alpha := Pointer(Source.Bits); Inc(Alpha, 3); // Align with Alpha for I := 1 to (Source.Width * Source.Height) do begin P^ := Alpha^; Inc(Alpha, 4); Inc(P); end; finally if (not GlobalUnlock(H)) then if (GetLastError() GlobalUnlockBugErrorCode) then RaiseSysError; end; SetClipboardData(GetAlphaFormatHandle, H); finally if not CloseClipboard then RaiseSysError; end; end; procedure PasteBitmap32FromClipboard(const Dest: TBitmap32); var H: HGLOBAL; ClipAlpha, Alpha: PByte; I, Count, PixelCount: LongWord; begin if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP) then begin Dest.BeginUpdate; try Dest.Assign(Clipboard); if not OpenClipboard(0) then RaiseSysError else try H := GetClipboardData(GetAlphaFormatHandle); if H 0 then begin ClipAlpha := GlobalLock(H); if ClipAlpha = nil then RaiseSysError else try Alpha := Pointer(Dest.Bits); Inc(Alpha, 3); // Align with Alpha Count := PLongWord(ClipAlpha)^; Inc(ClipAlpha, 4); PixelCount := Dest.Width * Dest.Height; Assert(Count = PixelCount, 'Alpha Count does not match Bitmap pixel Count, PasteBitmap32FromClipboard(const Dest: TBitmap32);'); // Should not happen, but if it does then this is a safety catch. if Count PixelCount then Count := PixelCount; for I := 1 to Count do begin Alpha^ := ClipAlpha^; Inc(Alpha, 4); Inc(ClipAlpha); end; finally if (not GlobalUnlock(H)) then if (GetLastError() GlobalUnlockBugErrorCode) then RaiseSysError; end; end; finally if not CloseClipboard then RaiseSysError; end; finally Dest.EndUpdate; Dest.Changed; end; end; end; end. // Example Call: {uses JPEG;} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bmp: TBitmap32; begin bmp := TBitmap32.Create; try bmp.LoadFromFile('C:\test.jpg'); CopyBitmap32ToClipboard(bmp); finally bmp.Free; end; end;