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Convert TColor to HTML color

Title: convert TColor to HTML color? function ColorToHtml1(Color: TColor): string; var COL: LongInt; begin COL := ColorToRGB(Color); { first convert TColor to Integer to remove the higher bits } { erst TColor zu Integer, da die Unnötigen höheren Bit entfernt werden } Result := '#' + IntToHex(COL and $FF, 2) + IntToHex(COL shr 8 and $FF, 2) + IntToHex(COL shr 16 and $FF, 2); end; function ColorToHtml2(Clr: TColor): string; begin Result := IntToHex(clr, 6); Result := '#' + Copy(Result, 5, 2) + Copy(Result, 3, 2) + Copy(Result, 1, 2); end; function HtmlToColor(Color: string): TColor; begin Result := StringToColor('$' + Copy(Color, 6, 2) + Copy(Color, 4, 2) + Copy(Color, 2, 2)); end; // Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ColorTemp: TColor; ident: string; begin Edit1.Text := ColorToHtml($808080); // $808080 (clGray) ---- #808080 ColorTemp := HtmlToColor(Edit1.Text); // #808080 ----- $808080 (clGray) ColorToIdent(StringToColor(IntToStr(ColorTemp)), ident); // --- ident = clGray Edit2.Text := ident; // clGray end;