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Convert RGB to TColor or How to Get More TColor values for Delphi Beside Those Specified by cl Constants

Title: Convert RGB to TColor or How to Get More TColor values for Delphi Beside Those Specified by "cl" Constants In Delphi, the TColor type is used to specify the color of an object. It is used by the Color property of many components and by a number of other properties that specify color values. The Graphics unit contains definitions of useful constants for TColor. For example, clBlue maps to blue, clRed maps to red. More "cl" values; "More Colors" You can specify TColor as a specific 4-byte hexadecimal number instead of using the constants defined in the Graphics unit, the low three bytes represent RGB (red, gren, blue) color intensities for blue, green, and red, respectively. Therefore, red can be defined as TColor($0000FF). Convertv RBG to TColor If you have values for red, green and blue intensities (a number from 0 to 255 - "byte" type), here's how to get the TColor value: var r,g,b : Byte; color : TColor; begin r := StrToInt(ledRed.Text) ; g := StrToInt(ledGreen.Text) ; b := StrToInt(ledBlue.Text) ; color := RGB(r, g, b) ; Shape1.Brush.Color := color; end; The "ledRed", "ledGreen" and "ledBlue" are three edit controls used to specify the intensity of each color component. Shape1 is a TShape Delphi control.