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Convert a color JPG image to a permanent grayscaled

Title: Convert a color JPG image to a permanent grayscaled Question: I had some trouble to save a permanent grayscaled Jpg because the Grayscale property of the TJpeg is only a visual property. So here some small code that did the trick for me. There might be more efficient solutions. Answer: MyJPG01 = original MyBMP = help var MyJPG02 = grayscaled JPG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Result := false; TRY //Finally TRY //Except // create some stuff MyJpg01 := TJPEGImage.Create; MyJpg02 := TJPEGImage.Create; MyBMP := TBitmap.Create; // LOAD JPG-file MyJpg01.OnProgress := ProgressPercent; ProgressBar_Processing.Position := 0; MyJpg01.Grayscale := true; MyJpg01.LoadFromFile( FileName_IN ); // TO BMP TO MAKE PROPERTIES PERMANENT MyBMP.Width := MyJpg01.Width; MyBMP.Height := MyJpg01.Height; MyBMP.Canvas.Draw(0,0, MyJpg01); // BACK JPG MyJpg02.OnProgress := ProgressPercent; ProgressBar_Processing.Position := 0; MyJpg02.CompressionQuality := 80; // as an example MyJpg02.Assign(MyBmp); MyJpg02.SaveToFile( FileName_OUT ); Result := true; EXCEPT Panel_ERR.Caption := 'Error on convert ' + FileName_OUT; Result := False; END; //Except FINALLY MyJpg01.Free; MyJpg02.Free; MyBMP.Free; ProgressBar_Processing.Position := 0; END; // Finnaly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -