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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

ComboBox with Icon

Title: ComboBox with Icon Question: How can I have a TComboBox which has Icons for its items? Answer: This is just a sample code to show you how you can do it. You can change the code for your own purpose. Follow these steps : 1. Create a new application (I did it using Delphi5). 2. Add an ImageList and a ComboBox to Form1. 3. Double click on ImageList1 and add some icons to it. (At least 3 icons for this example) 4. Add this code for OnCreate of Form1 : procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with ComboBox1.Items do begin Add('1st Item'); Add('2nd Item'); Add('3rd Item'); end end; 5. Change the Style property of ComboBox1 to csOwnerDrawFixed 6. Write the following code for OnDrawItem of ComboBox1 procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); var AnIcon : TIcon; begin AnIcon := TIcon.Create; try ImageList1.GetIcon (Index,AnIcon); with Control as TComboBox do begin Canvas.Draw (Rect.Left,Rect.Top,AnIcon); Canvas.TextOut (Rect.Left + ImageList1.Width,Rect.Top,Items[Index]); end; finally AnIcon.Free; end; end; Run the application and enjoy it, Newstar.