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Color a specific (conditional) cell in a DBGrid

Title: color a specific (conditional) cell in a DBGrid? //This is how to color a specific cell in a specific case. // Define the condition for which field // I used as Base the RX DBGRID version procedure TFRM_Main.DBG_MainGetCellParams(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean); begin if (Field.AsString = '0') and (Field.FullName = 'LoadingAttn') then begin Background := $00E69B00; AFont.Color := clBlack; AFont.Style := AFont.Style + [fsBold]; end else begin if (Field.AsString = '0') and (Field.FullName = 'DeliveryAttn') then begin Background := $0082FFFF; AFont.Color := clBlack; AFont.Style := AFont.Style + [fsBold]; end else begin if (Field.AsString = 'H') and (Field.FullName = 'EctaCode1') then begin Background := $008080FF; AFont.Color := clBlack; AFont.Style := AFont.Style + [fsBold]; end else begin AFont.Color := clBlack; AFont.Style := AFont.Style - [fsBold]; Background := clWhite; end; end; end; end;