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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Check if a point belongs to the interior of a polygon

Title: check if a point belongs to the interior of a polygon? function PtInRgn(TestPolygon : array of TPoint; const P : TPoint): boolean; var ToTheLeftofPoint, ToTheRightofPoint : byte; np : integer; OpenPolygon : boolean; XIntersection : real; begin ToTheLeftofPoint := 0; ToTheRightofPoint := 0; OpenPolygon := False; {Prüfen ob das Polygon geschlossen ist} {tests if the polygon is closed} if not ((TestPolygon[0].X = TestPolygon[High(TestPolygon)].X) and (TestPolygon[0].Y = TestPolygon[High(TestPolygon)].Y)) then OpenPolygon := True; {Tests für jedes Paar der Punkte, um zu sehen wenn die Seite zwischen ihnen, die horizontale Linie schneidet, die TestPoint durchläuft} {tests for each couple of points to see if the side between them crosses the horizontal line going through TestPoint} for np := 1 to High(TestPolygon) do if ((TestPolygon[np - 1].Y and (TestPolygon[np].Y P.Y)) or ((TestPolygon[np - 1].Y P.Y) and (TestPolygon[np].Y {Wenn es so ist} {if it does} then begin {berechnet die x Koordinate des Schnitts} {computes the x coordinate of the intersection} XIntersection := TestPolygon[np - 1].X + ((TestPolygon[np].X - TestPolygon[np - 1].X) / (TestPolygon[np].Y - TestPolygon[np - 1].Y)) * (P.Y - TestPolygon[np - 1].Y); {Zähler entsprechend verringern} {increments appropriate counter} if XIntersection then Inc(ToTheLeftofPoint); if XIntersection P.X then Inc(ToTheRightofPoint); end; {Falls das Polygon offen ist, die letzte Seite testen} {if the polygon is open, test for the last side} if OpenPolygon then begin np := High(TestPolygon); {Thanks to William Boyd - 03/06/2001} if ((TestPolygon[np].Y and (TestPolygon[0].Y P.Y)) or ((TestPolygon[np].Y P.Y) and (TestPolygon[0].Y then begin XIntersection := TestPolygon[np].X + ((TestPolygon[0].X - TestPolygon[np].X) / (TestPolygon[0].Y - TestPolygon[np].Y)) * (P.Y - TestPolygon[np].Y); if XIntersection then Inc(ToTheLeftofPoint); if XIntersection P.X then Inc(ToTheRightofPoint); end; end; if (ToTheLeftofPoint mod 2 = 1) and (ToTheRightofPoint mod 2 = 1) then Result := True else Result := False; end; {PtInRgn}