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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Bmp to gif

Contributor: JOHN THE GREAT { Caveats: 1. This ONLY converts 256 color bitmaps! 2. The only format supported is GIF87a. } unit Bmp2Gif; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics; function SaveAsGif(InputBM : TBitmap; FName : string) : boolean; implementation const BlockTerminator:byte = 0; FileTrailer:byte = $3B; gifBGColor:byte = 0; gifPixAsp:byte = 0; gifcolordepth:byte = 8; // 8 bit = 256 colors gifncolors:integer = 256; gifLIDid:byte = $2C; HASHSIZE:integer = 5101; HASHBITS:integer = 4; TABLSIZE:integer = 4096; EMPTY:integer = -1; var F : integer; Dbg : TextFile; MapBM : TBitmap; ImageWidth,ImageHeight:Integer; buffer : array[0..255] of byte; codes : array[0..5101] of Integer; prefix: array[0..5101] of Integer; suffix: array[0..5101] of Integer; nBytes,nbits, size,cursize, curcode, maxcode : Integer; BitmapSizeImage : Integer; Started : Boolean; minsize,maxsize,nroots,Capacity : Integer; endc, clrc : Integer; MinLZWCodeSize : Byte; bytecode,bytemask :Integer; counter : Integer; strc,chrc :Integer; ErrorMsg : string; function Putbyte(B,fh:Integer):Boolean; begin Counter := counter + 1; buffer[nbytes] := B; Inc(nbytes); If nbytes = 255 then begin //ShowMessage('255'); FileWrite(fh,nbytes,1); FileWrite(fh,buffer,nbytes); nbytes := 0; end; result := True; end; function PutCode(code, fh :Integer) : Boolean; var temp,n,mask :Integer; begin mask := 1; n := nbits; //If nbits > 11 then ShowMessage('nbits = 12'); while n > 0 do begin dec(n); if ((code and mask)<>0) then bytecode := (bytecode or bytemask); bytemask := bytemask shl 1; if (bytemask > $80) then begin If PutByte(bytecode,fh) then begin bytecode := 0; bytemask := 1; end; end; mask := mask shl 1; end; result := True; end; procedure Flush(fh:Integer); begin if bytemask <> 1 then begin PutByte(byteCode,fh); bytecode :=0; bytemask :=1; end; if nbytes > 0 then begin FileWrite(fh,nbytes,1); FileWrite(fh,buffer,nbytes); nbytes :=0; end; end; procedure ClearX; var J : Integer; begin cursize := minsize; nbits := cursize; curcode := endc + 1; maxcode := 1 shl cursize; for J := 0 to HASHSIZE do codes[J] := EMPTY; end; function findstr(pfx,sfx :Integer):integer; var i,di : Integer; begin i := (sfx shl HASHBITS) xor pfx; if i = 0 then di := 1 else di := Capacity -i; while True do begin if codes[i] = EMPTY then break; if ((prefix[i] = pfx) and (suffix[i] = sfx)) then break; i := i - di; if i < 0 then i := i + Capacity; end; Result := i; end; procedure EncodeScanLine(fh : Integer; var buf : Pbyte; npxls : Integer); var np,I : Integer; begin np := 0; if not Started then begin strc := buf^; Inc(np); Inc(buf); Started := True; end; while np < npxls do begin // If np = 3 then break; chrc := buf^; Inc(np); Inc(buf); I := findstr(strc,chrc); if codes[I] <> EMPTY then strc := codes[I] else begin codes[I] := curcode; prefix[I] := strc; suffix[I] := chrc; putcode(strc,fh); strc := chrc; Inc(curcode); if curcode > maxcode then begin Inc(cursize); if cursize > maxsize then begin putcode(clrc,fh); ClearX; end else begin nbits := cursize; maxcode := maxcode shl 1; if cursize = maxsize then dec(maxcode); end; end; end; end; end; procedure Initialize(fh:integer); var flags : Byte; begin counter := 0; Started := False; size := 8; nbytes := 0; nbits := 8; bytecode := 0; bytemask := 1; Capacity := HASHSIZE; minsize := 9; maxsize := 12; nroots := 1 shl 8; clrc := nroots; endc := clrc + 1; MinLZWCodeSize := 8; ClearX; // Write the type FileWrite(fh,'GIF87a',6); // Write the GIF screen descriptor // Note: width > 255 is a two byte word!! FileWrite(fh,ImageWidth,2); FileWrite(fh,ImageHeight,2); flags := $80 or ((gifcolordepth-1)shl 4) or (gifcolordepth-1); FileWrite(fh,flags,1); FileWrite(fh,gifBGColor,1); FileWrite(fh,gifPixAsp,1); end; procedure WriteGif(fh : integer); var F:TextFile; gifxLeft,gifyTop : word; //Must be 16 bit!! flags :Byte; K : Pointer; Test,J,M : Integer; scanLine, TempscanLine, Bits, PBits : PByte; begin //Get the info from the Bitmap GetMem(K,(sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader) + 4 * gifncolors)); TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader); TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biWidth := ImageWidth; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biHeight := ImageHeight; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biBitCount := 8; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biSizeImage := ((((TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biWidth * TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biBitCount)+31) and Not(31)) shr 3)*TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biHeight; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 0; TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biClrImportant := 0; try GetMem(Bits,TBitmapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); Test := GetDIBits(MapBM.Canvas.Handle,MapBM.Handle,0,ImageHeight,Bits,TBitmapInfo(K^),DIB_RGB_COLORS); If Test > 0 then begin for J := 0 to 255 do begin FileWrite(fh,TBitMapInfo(K^).bmiColors[J].rgbRed,1); FileWrite(fh,TBitMapInfo(K^).bmiColors[J].rgbGreen,1); FileWrite(fh,TBitMapInfo(K^).bmiColors[J].rgbBlue,1); end; //Write the Logical Image Descriptor FileWrite(fh,gifLIDid,1); gifxLeft := 0; FileWrite(fh,gifxLeft,2); // Write X position of image gifyTop := 0; FileWrite(fh,gifyTop,2); // Write Y position of image FileWrite(fh,ImageWidth,2); FileWrite(fh,ImageHeight,2); flags := 0; FileWrite(fh,flags,1); //Write Local flags 0=None //Write Min LZW code size = 8 (for 8 bit) MinLZWCodeSize := 8; FileWrite(fh,MinLZWCodesize,1); PutCode(clrc,fh); PBits := Bits; Inc(Pbits,(ImageWidth *(ImageHeight -1))); GetMem(scanLine,ImageWidth); TempscanLine := scanLine; For M := 0 to ImageHeight-1 do begin FillChar(scanLine^,ImageWidth,0); move(PBits^,scanLine^,ImageWidth); EncodeScanLine(fh,scanLine,ImageWidth); dec(scanLine,ImageWidth); Dec(PBits,ImageWidth); end; end; finally scanLine := TempscanLine; FreeMem(scanLine,ImageWidth); FreeMem(Bits,TBitMapInfo(K^).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); FreeMem(K,(sizeof(TBitMapInfoHeader) + 4 * gifncolors)); end; end; function SaveAsGif(InputBM : TBitmap; FName : string) : boolean; begin ErrorMsg := ''; Result := FALSE; MapBM := InputBM; ImageWidth := MapBM.Width; ImageHeight := MapBM.Height; F := FileCreate(FName); if F >= 0 then begin Initialize(F); WriteGif(F); PutCode(strc,F); PutCode(endc,F); Flush(F); FileWrite(F,BlockTerminator,1); FileWrite(F,FileTrailer,1); FileClose(F); if length(ErrorMsg) = 0 then Result := TRUE; end; end; end.