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Alphablending and Gradiant Fills examples

Title: Alphablending and Gradiant Fills examples Question: How do we get all those nice blending and gradiant effects in windows. Windows 2000 and I think other versions may support it as well, now have inbuilt functions to do all the fancy stuff. The projkect source that follows demonstrates this and provides a link to my site where you can downlaod the example. (it contains bitmaps so I didn't think you would want me to past the DFM as text !) Answer: The source for this is at and AlphaBlend First on the onpaint of the form I show how to do a gradiant from blue to white - notice you can set teh procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var udtVertex: array [0..1] of _TRIVERTEX; rectGradient: TGradientRect; begin with udtVertex[0] do begin x := 0; y := height; Red := 0; Green := 0; Blue := $ff00; Alpha := $5500; end; with udtVertex[1] do begin x := Width; y := 0; Red := $ff00; Green := $ff00; Blue := $ff00; Alpha := $5500; end; rectGradient.UpperLeft := 0; rectGradient.LowerRight := 1; GradientFill(Canvas.Handle, @udtVertex, 2, @rectGradient, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H); end; for more information look on and search for gradiantfill Button1Click shows the simple alphablending of two images. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var res : TBitmap; bf : _BLENDFUNCTION; begin res := TBitmap.create; try res.width := i1.picture.width; res.height := i1.picture.height; res.assign(i1.picture.bitmap); bf.BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER; bf.BlendFlags := 0; bf.SourceConstantAlpha := BlendAmount.Value; bf.AlphaFormat := 0; AlphaBlend(res.canvas.handle, 0,0,res.width,res.height,i2.picture.bitmap.Canvas.handle,0,0,res.width,res.height,bf); i3.Picture.assign(res); finally; end; end; Have fun......