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A routine for painting tiled stretched images to a canvas

Title: A routine for painting tiled / stretched images to a canvas Question: If you want to paint a tiled image to a canvas, this routine will do it. ACanvas - the canvas to paint to ARect - A TRect of the area to paint to Offset - A TPoint which specifies the origin that the images should start from. Usually Point(0,0) AnImage - Any TGraphic AMode - No Tile, Tile across, Tile down, Tile both, Stretch to Rect AColor - sets the rect to this color first. - this is best used when using a transparent graphic format such as png or gif Answer: type TZ9TileMode = (pmNoRepeat, pmRepeatX, pmRepeatY, pmRepeatXY, pmFitXY ); procedure PaintBackground(ACanvas : TCanvas; ARect : TRect; Offset : TPoint; AnImage : TGraphic; AMode : TZ9TileMode; BGColor : TColor); var x, y : integer; begin if (AnImage is TPNGObject) then begin ACanvas.Brush.Color := BGColor; ACanvas.FillRect(ARect); end; if (AnImage.Width = 0) or (AnImage.Height = 0) then exit; case Amode of pmRepeatXY : begin y := Offset.Y; while y begin x := Offset.X; while x begin ACanvas.Draw(x,y,AnImage); inc(x, AnImage.Width); end; inc(y, AnImage.Height) end; end; pmRepeatX : begin y := Offset.Y; x := Offset.X; while x begin ACanvas.Draw(x,y,AnImage); inc(x, AnImage.Width); end; ACanvas.Brush.Color := BGColor; ACanvas.FillRect( Rect(ARect.Left,y+AnImage.Height,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom)); end; pmRepeatY : begin x := Offset.X; y := Offset.Y; while y begin ACanvas.Draw(x,y,AnImage); inc(y, AnImage.Height) end; ACanvas.Brush.Color := BGColor; ACanvas.FillRect( Rect(x + AnImage.width,,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom)); end; pmNoRepeat : begin x := Offset.X; y := Offset.Y; ACanvas.Draw(x,y,AnImage); ACanvas.Brush.Color := BGColor; ACanvas.FillRect( Rect(X+AnImage.width,y+AnImage.Height,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom)); ACanvas.FillRect( Rect(ARect.left,y+AnImage.Height,X+AnImage.width,ARect.Bottom)); ACanvas.FillRect( Rect(X+AnImage.Width,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,y+AnImage.Height)); end; pmFitXY : begin x := Offset.X; y := Offset.Y; ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect(x,y,x + (ARect.Right-ARect.left), y + ( ),AnImage); end; end; end;