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Alıntıdır unit untGame; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Menus, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, ComCtrls, Dialogs, Graphics; //BTOdeum; type TSnakeDirection = (sdUp, sdDown, sdLeft, sdRight); TfrmGame = class(TForm) MenuGame: TMainMenu; mnuGame: TMenuItem; mnuNew: TMenuItem; mnuPause: TMenuItem; mnuContinue: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; mnuExit: TMenuItem; mnuHelp: TMenuItem; mnuAbout: TMenuItem; TmrSnake: TTimer; mnuOptions: TMenuItem; mnuAlways: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; mnuSettings: TMenuItem; mnuFinish: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; StatusGame: TStatusBar; Easy1: TMenuItem; VeryEasy1: TMenuItem; Medium1: TMenuItem; Advanced1: TMenuItem; Expert1: TMenuItem; Professional1: TMenuItem; when_to_move_target: TMenuItem; Sound1: TMenuItem; Never1: TMenuItem; N601: TMenuItem; N801: TMenuItem; N1001: TMenuItem; N1201: TMenuItem; N1401: TMenuItem; N1601: TMenuItem; N401: TMenuItem; ViewHighScores1: TMenuItem; N4: TMenuItem; HowtoPlay1: TMenuItem; Borders1: TMenuItem; PntGame: TPanel; PntTarget: TPanel; procedure PutStatus(S: string; Index: Integer); procedure mnuExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure show_panel1; procedure TmrSnakeTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure read_inifile; procedure save_inifile; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuAlwaysClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuAboutClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuPauseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuContinueClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuGameClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DrawTarget; procedure mnuNewClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuFinishClick(Sender: TObject); function NewPointIsValid(X, Y: Integer):Boolean; function BobyInBody(X, Y: Integer):Boolean; procedure SetAnyLevelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure SetAnyTimeToWait(Sender: TObject); procedure ViewHighScores1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure HowtoPlay1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SetSoundMenu; procedure Sound1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SetBordersMenu; procedure Borders1Click(Sender: TObject); private cDir : TSnakeDirection; Parts : array [0..600] of TSpeedButton; Body_pieces, Level, CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget, TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget : Integer; score : longint; Playing, Exec, want_sounds, always_on_top, game_over, game_paused, want_borders : Boolean; public { Public declarations } end; var frmGame: TfrmGame; const W: Integer = 16; H: Integer = 16; MAX_X: Integer = 30; MAX_Y: Integer = 20; TimeToWaitBase = 20; // time to wait values in menu // start at TimeToWaitBase + 20 (interval between values) DefaultTimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget = 120; Starting_body_pieces = 4; // add 1 (zero based) implementation {$R *.DFM} uses untMyIniFiles, untHiscores; {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.PutStatus(S: string; Index: Integer); begin StatusGame.Panels[Index].Text:=S; end; { PutStatus } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; { mnuExitClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin case Key of VK_LEFT: cDir:=sdLeft; VK_RIGHT: cDir:=sdRight; VK_UP: cDir:=sdUp; VK_DOWN: cDir:=sdDown; end; end; { FormKeyDown } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.show_panel1; var str1 : string; begin str1 := Format('Level %d Score: %d Parts: %d', [Level, score, Body_pieces + 1 ]); if want_borders then str1 := str1 + ' Borders ON' else str1 := str1 + ' Borders OFF'; if game_paused then str1 := str1 + ' Game Paused (press F4)' else if game_over then str1 := 'Game Over (press F1 for new game)' else begin if TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget = 0 then str1 := str1 + ' Target Never Moves' else str1 := str1 + ' Move Target in: ' + inttostr(TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget- CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget); end; PutStatus(str1,0); end; { show_panel1 } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.TmrSnakeTimer(Sender: TObject); {..........................................................} function PntInTarget(X,Y: Integer):Boolean; begin Result:=(PntTarget.Left = X) and (PntTarget.Top = Y); end; { PntInTarget } {..........................................................} procedure CreateNewPart(Index, ALeft, ATop: Integer); begin Parts[Index]:=TSpeedButton.Create(Self); Parts[Index].Parent:=PntGame; Parts[Index].SetBounds(ALeft,ATop,W,H); Parts[Index].Enabled:=False; Parts[Index].Visible:=True; show_panel1; end; { CreateNewPart } {..........................................................} var LastSnake, FirstSnake : TSpeedButton; i, NewLeft, NewTop, W_delta, H_delta : Integer; begin if Exec then Exit; Exec:=True; if TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget > 0 then begin CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget + 1 mod TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget; show_panel1; if CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget >= TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget then // move the target DrawTarget; end; FirstSnake:=Parts[Body_pieces]; LastSnake:=Parts[0]; W_delta := 0; H_delta := 0; case cDir of sdLeft : W_delta := -W; sdRight : W_delta := W; sdUp : H_delta := -H; sdDown : H_delta := H; end; // case NewLeft:=FirstSnake.Left + W_delta; NewTop:=FirstSnake.Top + H_delta; if not want_borders then begin if NewLeft < 0 then NewLeft := (Max_X - 1) * W else if NewLeft >= PntGame.Width then NewLeft := 0; if NewTop < 0 then NewTop := (Max_Y - 1) * H else if NewTop >= PntGame.Height then NewTop := 0; end; if not NewPointIsValid(NewLeft,NewTop) then Exit; if PntInTarget(NewLeft, NewTop) then begin Body_pieces:=Body_pieces + 1; if want_sounds then //BTBeeper1.BeepFor( 500,10 ); CreateNewPart(Body_pieces,NewLeft,NewTop); score := score + 10 * Level; DrawTarget; Exec:=False; Exit; end; LastSnake.Left:=NewLeft; LastSnake.Top:=NewTop; for i:=0 to Body_pieces do if i < Body_pieces then Parts<i> :=Parts[i + 1] else Parts<i> :=LastSnake; Exec:=False; end; { TmrSnakeTimer } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.read_inifile; var ConfigIni : TMyIniFile; config_filename : string; begin config_filename := ChangeFileExt( Application.ExeName, '.ini' ); if FileExists( config_filename ) then begin ConfigIni := TMyIniFile.Create( config_filename ); try Level := ConfigIni.ReadInteger( 'Options', 'Level', level ); TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := ConfigIni.ReadInteger( 'Options', 'When to Move Target', DefaultTimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget ); want_sounds := ConfigIni.MyReadBool( 'Options', 'Want Sounds', want_sounds ); want_borders := ConfigIni.MyReadBool( 'Options', 'Want Borders', want_borders ); Always_on_top := ConfigIni.MyReadBool( 'Options', 'Always On Top', always_on_top ); finally; end; end; end; { read_inifile } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.save_inifile; var ConfigIni : TMyIniFile; config_filename : string; begin config_filename := ChangeFileExt( Application.ExeName, '.ini' ); ConfigIni := TMyIniFile.Create( config_filename ); try ConfigIni.WriteInteger( 'Options', 'Level', level ); ConfigIni.WriteInteger( 'Options', 'When to Move Target', TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget ); ConfigIni.MyWriteBool( 'Options', 'Want Sounds', want_sounds ); ConfigIni.MyWriteBool( 'Options', 'Want Borders', want_borders ); ConfigIni.MyWriteBool( 'Options', 'Always On Top', always_on_top ); ConfigIni.UpdateFile; finally; end; end; { save_inifile } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Randomize; Body_pieces:=0; TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := DefaultTimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget; game_over := true; game_paused := false; playing := false; score := 0; PutStatus(Caption,1); Level:=1; // default level want_sounds := true; // default is sound on. want_borders := true; always_on_top := false; read_inifile; show_panel1; TmrSnake.Interval:=Trunc(500 / Level); mnuSettings.items[ Level - 1 ].checked := true; if TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget = 0 then When_to_move_target.items[ 0 ].checked := true else When_to_move_target.items[ (TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget - TimeToWaitBase) div 20 ].checked := true; always_on_top := not always_on_top; mnuAlwaysClick(nil); // this call toggles always on top. SetSoundMenu; SetBordersMenu; // set shortcuts for level menu ... ctrl-1 to ctrl-6 VeryEasy1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('1'), [ssCtrl]); Easy1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('2'), [ssCtrl]); Medium1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('3'), [ssCtrl]); Advanced1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('4'), [ssCtrl]); Expert1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('5'), [ssCtrl]); Professional1.ShortCut := ShortCut(Word('6'), [ssCtrl]); end; { FormCreate } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuAlwaysClick(Sender: TObject); var Flgs:HWND; begin always_on_top := not always_on_top; mnuAlways.Checked:= always_on_top; if always_on_top then Flgs:=HWND_TOPMOST else Flgs:=HWND_NOTOPMOST; SetWindowPos(Handle,Flgs,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE); end; { mnuAlwaysClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuAboutClick(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : Boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); mnuPauseClick( nil ); MessageBox(Handle,'Snake game, coded by //hIDRA_5.' + #13 + 'with minor mods by PEW','Snake game', MB_ICONINFORMATION); if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { mnuAboutClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuPauseClick(Sender: TObject); begin TmrSnake.Enabled:=False; game_paused := true; show_panel1; end; { mnuPauseClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuContinueClick(Sender: TObject); begin game_paused := false; show_panel1; TmrSnake.Enabled:=True; end; { mnuContinueClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuGameClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuPause.Enabled:=TmrSnake.Enabled and Playing; mnuContinue.Enabled:=not mnuPause.Enabled and Playing; mnuFinish.Enabled:=Playing; end; { mnuGameClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.DrawTarget; {..........................................................} function ValidPoint(X,Y: Integer):Boolean; var i:Integer; begin Result:=True; for i:=0 to Body_pieces do if (Parts<i> .Left = X) and (Parts<i> .Top = Y) then begin Result:=False; Break; end; end; { ValidPoint } {..........................................................} var X,Y,OldX,OldY:Integer; begin PntTarget.Visible:=False; // reset the counter to move the target. CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := 0; OldX:=PntTarget.Left; OldY:=PntTarget.Top; repeat begin X:=Random(MAX_X); Y:=Random(MAX_Y); end; until ValidPoint(X*W,Y*H) and ((OldX <> X) or (OldY <> Y)); PntTarget.Left:=X * W; PntTarget.Top:=Y * H; PntTarget.Visible:=True; end; { DrawTarget } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuNewClick(Sender: TObject); var j:Integer; begin TmrSnake.Enabled:=False; CountToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := 0; if Playing then mnuFinishClick(Self); if Body_pieces > 0 then for j:=0 to Body_pieces do FreeAndNil(Parts[j]); Body_pieces := starting_body_pieces; cDir:=sdRight; for j:=0 to Body_pieces do begin Parts[j]:=TSpeedButton.Create(Self); Parts[j].Parent:=PntGame; Parts[j].SetBounds(j * W,0,W,H); Parts[j].Enabled:=False; Parts[j].Visible:=True; end; DrawTarget; Exec:=False; game_over := false; game_paused := false; Playing:=True; score := 0; show_panel1; TmrSnake.Enabled:=True; end; { mnuNewClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.mnuFinishClick(Sender: TObject); var i:Integer; begin TmrSnake.Enabled:=False; game_over := true; Playing:=False; PntTarget.Visible:=False; Exec:=False; for i:=0 to Body_pieces do FreeAndNil(Parts<i> ); end; { mnuFinishClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} function TfrmGame.NewPointIsValid(X, Y: Integer):Boolean; var R,R1:Boolean; rank : integer; begin R:=(X >= 0) and (X < PntGame.Width) and (Y >= 0) and (Y < PntGame.Height); R1:=BobyInBody(X,Y); if not R or R1 then begin TmrSnake.Enabled:=False; // 'Game Over' sounds nicer than 'You lose', don't you think? if not R then ShowMessage( 'The Snake hit one of the walls.' + #13 + 'Game Over' ) else ShowMessage( 'The Snake hit itself.' + #13 + 'Game Over' ); mnuFinishClick(Self); frmHiScTab := TfrmHiScTab.create( nil ); try frmHiScTab.AddScore( level, score, rank ); if rank = 0 then showmessage( 'Your score was: ' + inttostr(score) + #13 + 'I''m sorry, you didn''t make the High Score Table.' ) else showmessage( 'That score ranked #' + inttostr( rank )); frmHiScTab.ShowModal; finally frmHisctab.release; end; Result:=False; show_panel1; end else Result:=True; end; { NewPointIsValid } {----------------------------------------------------------} function TfrmGame.BobyInBody(X, Y: Integer): Boolean; var j:Integer; begin Result:=False; for j:=0 to Body_pieces do if (Parts[j].Left = X) and (Parts[j].Top = Y) then begin Result:=True; Break; end; end; { BobyInBody } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.SetAnyLevelClick(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : Boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); // unchecked the current level mnuSettings.items[ Level - 1 ].checked := false; // set the new level Level := tMenuItem(Sender).MenuIndex + 1; // check the new level tMenuItem(Sender).checked := true; TmrSnake.Interval:=Trunc(500 / Level); // redraw the panel because the level has changed show_panel1; if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { SetAnyLevelClick } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin save_inifile; Action := caFree; end; { FormClose } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.SetAnyTimeToWait(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : Boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); // uncheck it if TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget = 0 then When_to_move_target.items[ 0 ].checked := false else When_to_move_target.items[ (TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget - TimeToWaitBase) div 20 ].checked := false; // set the interval if tmenuitem(sender).MenuIndex = 0 then TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := 0 else TimeToWaitBeforeMovingTarget := TimeToWaitBase + tmenuitem(sender).MenuIndex * 20; // checked the new one. tmenuitem(sender).checked := true; show_panel1; if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { SetAnyTimeToWait } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.ViewHighScores1Click(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); frmHiScTab := TfrmHiScTab.create( nil ); try frmHiScTab.display_table( 0 ); frmHiScTab.ShowModal; finally frmHisctab.release; end; if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { ViewHighScores1Click } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.HowtoPlay1Click(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); showmessage( 'How to Play' + #13 + '===========' + #13 + 'The rules are very simple:' + #13 + '* Use the cursor keys to move the snake around the screen to eat the green target. When one target is eaten, another will appear.' + #13 + '* Each time the snake eats a target it grows one square longer and 10 x Level will be added to your score.' + #13 + '* If the snake hits itself or a wall (with borders on) then the game ends.' + #13 + '* The borders are toggled (on/off) with ctrl-B. When borders are Off, you can move through the walls. When borders are On, hitting a wall ends the game.' + #13 + '* The target moves at intervals set in the "Options / When to move target..." menu.' + #13 + '* There are 6 levels; set with ctrl-1 (Very Easy) thru ctrl-6 (Professional).' + #13 + '* Sound is switched toggled (on/off) with ctrl-S.' + #13 + '* The game is paused with F3 and continued with F4.' + #13 + '* F2 finishes the game (ends it), without exiting.' + #13 + '* The top 10 scores and recorded in the Hall of Fame. Press F5 to view it.' + #13 + '* Alt-F4 Exits the Game.' ); if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { HowtoPlay1Click } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.SetSoundMenu; begin Sound1.Checked := want_sounds; if want_sounds then Sound1.caption := 'Sound (is on)' else Sound1.caption := 'Sound (is off)'; end; { SetSoundMenu } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.Sound1Click(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : Boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); want_sounds := not want_sounds; SetSoundMenu; if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { Sound1Click } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.SetBordersMenu; begin Borders1.Checked := want_borders; if want_borders then Borders1.caption := '&Borders (are on)' else Borders1.caption := '&Borders (are off)'; end; { SetBordersMenu } {----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TfrmGame.Borders1Click(Sender: TObject); var game_in_progress : Boolean; begin game_in_progress := (not game_paused) and playing; if playing then mnuPauseClick( nil ); want_borders := not want_borders; SetBordersMenu; show_panel1; if game_in_progress then mnuContinueClick( nil ); end; { Borders1Click } {----------------------------------------------------------}