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The function DiskInDrive

Title: The function DiskInDrive Question: How to check if there is a disk inside the drive (or a cd-rom): Answer: The function SetErrorMode is switching of the system-messages that are not 'beautiful' when accessing a disk-drive without a disk inside. function DiskInDrive(lw: Char ): integer; var sRec: TSearchRec; res: integer; begin Result:= 0; SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); result := False; {$I-} res := FindFirst(lw + ':\*.*', faAnyfile, SRec ); FindClose(SRec); {$I+} case res of 0 : Result := 0; 2,18 : Result := 1; 21,3 : Result := 2; else Result := res; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var x: integer; begin x := DiskInDrive('a'); case x of 0: ShowMessage('Disk is there !'); 1: ShowMessage('Disk is empty !'); 2: ShowMessage('No disk in drive !'); else ShowMessage('Disk not formatted !'); end; //case end;