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Categories / Delphi / Functions

Stuffstring - replaces a part of one string with another strutils unit

function StuffString ( const Source : string; Start, Length : Cardinal; const SubString : string ) : string; Description The StuffString function inserts a SubString into another string, replacing Length characters at position Start. If the length is -1, then teh string is simply inserted, and does not replace any characters. Notes Strings are indexed from 1 (arrays from 0). Related commands AnsiReplaceStr Replaces a part of one string with another Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array Insert Insert a string into another string Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string Example code : A simple example var source, target : AnsiString; begin source := '123456789'; target := StuffString(source, 2, 4, '-inserted-'); ShowMessage('Source = '+source); ShowMessage('Target = '+target); end; Show full unit code Source = 123456789 Target = 1-inserted-6789