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Stringtowidechar - converts a normal string into a widechar 0 terminated buffer system unit

function StringToWideChar ( const SourceString : string; TargetBuffer : PWideChar; TargetSize : Integer ) : PWideChar; Description The StringToWideChar function converts a string SourceString into a WideString. It then copies TargetSize-1 characters from there to the TargetBuffer, adding a terminating 0 to the end. Related commands WideCharToString Copies a null terminated WideChar string to a normal string Example code : A simple example var wideChars : array[0..11] of WideChar; myString : String; begin // Set up our string myString := 'Hello World'; // Copy to a WideChar format in our array StringToWideChar(myString, wideChars, 12); // Show what the copy gave ShowMessage(WideCharToString(wideChars)); end; Show full unit code Hello World