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String functions

Title: String functions Question: I need to split a string like 'FIRST SECOND LAST' and return a part of it. How? ex NthString('FIRST SECOND LAST',1,'#32') = 'SECOND' & I need to get the value of a data type in a string that looks like 'Machine="FLE400" Address="2" Batch="3450"' ex: GetDataValue('Machine="FLE400" Address="2" Batch="3450"' ,'Address') = "2" Answer: Below are the functions used in the question above. Note that the Nth index is a zero-index.. In other words, Nth = 0 will return the first string part. function NthString(Str : string; Nth : integer; Separator : string) : string; var lp0,sln,currn : integer; InSep,FirstFound : boolean; begin result := ''; CurrN := 0; InSep := false; FirstFound := false; sln := length(Str); for lp0 := 1 to sln do begin if Pos(Str[lp0],Separator) 0 then begin if not InSep then begin if FirstFound then inc(CurrN); end; InSep := true; if CurrN Nth then break; end else begin InSep := false; FirstFound := true; if CurrN = Nth then result := result + Str[lp0]; end; end; end; function GetDataValue(Source : string; Data : string) : string; const CtrlChars = #61#34#39; var lp0,sln,dfnd : integer; InQuot,Valfnd : boolean; begin result := ''; InQuot := false; Valfnd := false; dfnd := Pos(uppercase(Data),uppercase(Source)); if (dfnd 0) then begin sln := length(Source); for lp0 := dfnd to sln do begin if Pos(Source[lp0],CtrlChars) 0 then begin if Valfnd then begin if (Source[lp0] = #34) or (Source[lp0] = #39) then begin if InQuot then break else InQuot := true; end; end; if Source[lp0] = #61 then ValFnd := true; end else begin if Valfnd then begin if InQuot then result := result + Source[lp0]; end; end; end; end; end;