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Simple parsing procedure and function

Title: Simple parsing procedure and function Question: A simple way to read csv-files and other files into your program Answer: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Here is a procedures and a function, which may be handy parsing // files. // They are presented in a little program, with just a button on // a form. Also put an OpenDialog (from the Dialogs tab) on the // form. You can also open the Outlook Addressbook and export your // Email addresses with "File", "Export", "Other addressbook" to a // Comma Separated Value file. This exported CSV-file can be used // as an input for this small application, which will read the // exported data into the program and export them (via OLE) directly // to Excel. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Befor you want to write comments to this article, stating that // Excel is able to import CSV-files directly: // // YES, I DO KNOW THAT EXCEL IS ABLE TO IMPORT CSV FILES DIRECTLY! // // This is written, just to demonstrate the working of the presented // function and procedure. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unit1.pas Unit Unit1; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComObj; Type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1 : TButton; OpenDialog1 : TOpenDialog; Procedure Button1Click(Sender : TObject); Private { Private declarations } Public { Public declarations } End; Var Form1: TForm1; Implementation {$R *.DFM} //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // With this function you can reduce the number of separation // characters in a line to just one separator. // This can be handy when values are separated by tabs or spaces. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ReduceSeparator(Const Ch : Char; Const S : ANSIString) : ANSIString; Var L,I : DWORD; Bo : Boolean; Begin Result := ''; L := Length(S); Bo := True; For I := 1 to L do Begin If S[I] Ch then Begin Result := Result + S[I]; Bo := False; // no separator End; If (S[I] = Ch) and (Bo = False) then Begin Result := Result + S[I]; Bo := True; // skip the next separators, if found End; End; End; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // In some applications a simular visual basic script procedure is // defined, which can also be very handy parsing strings. // With this procedure you can easily read exported files into your // application. // F.i. Excel and Outlook (addressbook) are able to export in "csv" // format. (CSV = Comma Separated Values) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure SplitString(Const Ch : Char; Const AStr : ANSIString; Var StrArr : TStringList); Var AStr1 : ANSIString; P,L : Integer; Begin // Make a copy of the input string (Const) AStr1 := AStr; // Empty the stringlist StrArr.Clear; Repeat P := 0; L := Length(AStr1); If L 0 then Begin // Check for the first occurence of the separator (Ch) P := Pos(Ch,AStr1); If P 1 then // Copy the field into the stringlist StrArr.Add(Copy(AStr1,1,P - 1)); If P = 1 then // The field is empty // The separator is the first char of the input string StrArr.Add(''); If P 0 then Begin // Remove the field from the input string AStr1 := Copy(AStr1,P + 1,L - P); // Correct the length of the input string L := Length(AStr1); End; If (P = 0) and (L 0) then // Add the last field to stringlist // A separator (Ch) at the end is not required StrArr.Add(AStr1); End; Until (P = 0); End; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender : TObject); Var f : TextFile; asStr : ANSIString; slA : TStringList; Row,Column : Integer; Excel : OLEVariant; // Don't forget: Uses ComObj Begin // Set caption of open dialog OpenDialog1.Title := 'Open file...'; // Set filter of open dialog OpenDialog1.Filter := 'Comma separated value files|*.csv|All files|*.*'; // Set the default filter index of the open dialog OpenDialog1.FilterIndex := 0; If OpenDialog1.Execute then Begin // Thanks to article: 479 written by Berhard Angerer Excel := CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); // Add workbook // Standard containing 3 sheets Excel.WorkBooks.Add; // Show Excel Excel.Visible := True; // Initialise row Row := 1; // Change sheet name into "Demo" Excel.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1].Name := 'Demo'; // You can also access this worksheet with: // Excel.WorkBooks[1].Worksheet['Sheet1']... // but that's not very wise: // In the English version of Excel a sheet is called: "Sheet". // In the Dutch version of Excel a sheet is called: "Blad". // So when you use: "Sheet" you'll get an error in all the // versions of Excel, in which a sheet is not called: "Sheet". AssignFile(f,OpenDialog1.Filename); Reset(f); // Create the stringlist slA := TStringList.Create; Repeat If not Eof(f) then Begin Readln(f,asStr); // If you want to reduce the columns on a row; // with CSV files it's recommended not to do so; // but you can by "un-commenting" the follwing line: // asStr := ReduceSeparator(';',asStr); // Parse the line SplitString(';',asStr,slA); // Copy the fields into Excel For Column := 0 to slA.Count - 1 do Excel.Worksheets[1].Cells[Row,Column + 1].Value := slA.Strings[Column]; // Next row Inc(Row); End; Until Eof(f); // Close the file CloseFile(f); // Free the stringlist slA.Free; End; End; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- End. // of unit1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------