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ROT47 a simple Substitution cipher function V2

Title: ROT47 a simple Substitution cipher function V2 Question: How to implement the Rot47 (rotate by 47 places) the simple substitution cipher function (Rot5, Rot13 and Rot18 too) ? Answer: ROT47 is a derivative of ROT13 which, in addition to scrambling the basic letters, also treats numbers and common symbols. Instead of using the sequence AZ as the alphabet, ROT47 uses a larger set of characters from the common character encoding known as ASCII. Specifically, all 7-bit printable characters, excluding space, from decimal 33 '!' through 126 '~' are rotated by 47 positions, without special preserving of case. Here is the function -------------------- function Rot47(AStr: String): String; function Rot47Char(AChr: Char): Char; var iAsc: Integer; begin Result := ' '; if (AChr = ' ') then Exit; iAsc := Ord(AChr) + 47; if (iAsc 126) then iAsc := iAsc - 94; if (iAsc then iAsc := iAsc + 94; Result := Chr(iAsc); end; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; for I := 1 to Length(AStr) do Result := Result + Rot47Char(Astr[I]); end; The usage is : -------------- ShowMessage(Rot47('Laurent')); // -- display '{2FC6?E' And ShowMessage(Rot47('{2FC6?E')); // -- display 'Laurent' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New version (V2) that integrates all variation of Rotate by Rot5, Rot13, Rot18 and Rot47 : The four ROT algorithms ROT5, ROT13, ROT18 and ROT47 vary in the characters that can be encoded/decoded: * ROT5 covers the numbers 0-9. * ROT13 covers the 26 upper and lower case letters of the Latin alphabet (A-Z, a-z). * ROT18 is a combination of ROT5 and ROT13. * ROT47 covers all printable ASCII characters, except empty spaces. Besides numbers and the letters of the Latin alphabet, the following characters are included: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;?[\]^_`{|}~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function RotateBy(AStr: String; const ARotate: Integer = 47): String; function RotateChar(AChr: Char; ARotate: Integer): Char; var iStart, iRotate: Integer; begin iStart := 0; case ARotate of 5: if AChr in ['0'..'9'] then begin iStart := 48; // '0' iRotate := 5; end; 13: if AChr in ['A'..'Z'] then begin iStart := 65; // 'A' iRotate := 13; end else if Achr in ['a'..'z'] then begin iStart := 97; // 'a' iRotate := 13; end; 18: if AChr in ['0'..'9'] then begin iStart := 48; // '0' iRotate := 5; end else if AChr in ['A'..'Z'] then begin iStart := 65; // 'A' iRotate := 13; end else if AChr in ['a'..'z'] then begin iStart := 97; // 'a' iRotate := 13; end; 47: if AChr in ['!'..'~'] then begin iStart := 33; // '!' iRotate := 47; end end; if iStart 0 then Result := Chr(iStart + ((Ord(AChr) - iStart + iRotate) mod (iRotate * 2))) else Result := AChr; end; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; for I := 1 to Length(AStr) do Result := Result + RotateChar(AStr[I], ARotate); end; The usage of this function is : ------------------------------- ShowMessage(RotateBy('Laurent 2007', 5)); // Display 'Laurent 7552' ShowMessage(RotateBy('Laurent 2007', 13)); // Display 'Ynherag 2007' ShowMessage(RotateBy('Laurent 2007', 18)); // Display 'Ynherag 7552' ShowMessage(RotateBy('Laurent 2007')); // Display '{2FC6?E a__f'