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Renamefile - rename a file or directory sysutils unit

function RenameFile ( const OldName, NewName : string ) : Boolean; Description The RenameFile function renames OldName file or directory to NewName, returning True if successful. If a file or directory name is given without a path, the file must be in the current directory. Notes You can rename a file onto a different drive, although this is not recommended. Related commands AssignFile Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file DeleteFile Delete a file specified by its file name Erase Erase a file IOResult Holds the return code of the last I/O operation Rename Rename a file Example code : Rename Unit1.dcu to Unit1.old and back again var oldName, newName : string; begin // Try to rename the current Unit1.dcu to Uni1.old oldName := 'Unit1.dcu'; newName := ChangeFileExt(oldName, '.old'); if RenameFile(oldName, newName) then ShowMessage('Unit1.dcu renamed OK') else ShowMessage('Unit1.dcu rename failed with error : '+ IntToStr(GetLastError)); // Let us try the same rename again if RenameFile(oldName, newName) then ShowMessage('Unit1.dcu renamed again OK') else ShowMessage('Unit1.dcu rename failed with error : '+ IntToStr(GetLastError)); // Finally, let us rename the file back again if RenameFile(newName, oldName) then ShowMessage('Unit1.old renamed back OK') else ShowMessage('Unit1.old rename back failed with error : '+ IntToStr(GetLastError)); end; Show full unit code Unit1.dcu renamed OK Unit1.dcu rename failed with error : 2 Unit1.old renamed back OK