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Pred - decrement an ordinal variable system unit

function Pred ( const Ordinal Value ) : Ordinal type; Description The Pred function decrements an ordinal value, and returns this value. You can decrement : Characters Non-floating number types Enumeration types Pointers The decrement is by the base size of the unit. For example, decrementing a Pointer will be by 4 bytes if the pointer points to Words. Notes Pred is equivalent in performance to simple subtraction, or the Dec procedure. Related commands Dec Decrement an ordinal variable Inc Increment an ordinal variable Sqr Gives the square of a number Sqrt Gives the square root of a number Succ Increment an ordinal variable Sum Return the sum of an array of floating point values Example code : Decrementing characters, numbers and enumerations type TSuit = (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades); var Character : char; Number : Integer; Card : TSuit; begin // We can decrement characters Character := 'B'; ShowMessage('Character : '+Character); Character := Pred(Character); ShowMessage('Character-1 : '+Character); // We can decrement numbers Number := 23; ShowMessage('Number : '+IntToStr(Number)); Number := Pred(Number); ShowMessage('Number-1 : '+IntToStr(Number)); // We can decrement enumerations Card := Clubs; ShowMessage('Card starts at Clubs'); Card := Pred(Card); if Card = Hearts then ShowMessage('Card is now Hearts'); if Card = Clubs then ShowMessage('Card is now Clubs'); if Card = Diamonds then ShowMessage('Card is now Diamonds'); if Card = Spades then ShowMessage('Card is now Spades'); end; Show full unit code Character : B Character-1 : A Number : 23 Number-1 : 22 Card starts at Clubs Card is now Hearts