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Length - return the number of elements in an array or string system unit

1 function Length ( const SourceString : string ) : Integer; 2 function Length ( const SourceArray : array ) : Integer; Description The Length function returns either the number of characters in SourceString, or the number of elements in SourceArray. It is often used to loop around all characters in a string or elements in an array. Notes Arrays start at index = 0 by default. So the length of such an array is 1 more than the highest index. The length of a Multi-dimensional array is always that of the first subarray - the left most defined dimension. Related commands Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array SetLength Changes the size of a string, or the size(s) of an array Slice Creates a slice of an array as an Open Array parameter Example code : Get the length of arrays and a string var openArray : array of char; fixedArray : array[2..4] of Integer; multiArray : array[2..4, 1..9] of Integer; shortStr : shortstring; longStr : string; i : Integer; begin // Define the length of the open array SetLength(openArray, 17); // Show the length of the arrays ShowMessage('Length of openArray = '+IntToStr(Length(openArray))); ShowMessage('Length of fixedArray = '+IntToStr(Length(fixedArray))); ShowMessage('Length of multiArray = '+IntToStr(Length(multiArray))); // Assign to the strings shortStr := 'ABCDEFGH'; longStr := '12345678901234567890'; ShowMessage('Length of shortStr = '+IntToStr(Length(shortStr))); ShowMessage('Length of longStr = '+IntToStr(Length(longStr))); // Display one letter at a time from the short string for i := 1 to Length(shortStr) do ShowMessage('Letter '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+shortStr[i]); end; Show full unit code Length of openArray = 17 Length of fixedArray = 3 Length of multiArray = 3 Length of shortStr = 8 Length of longStr = 20 Letter 1 = A Letter 2 = B Letter 3 = C Letter 4 = D Letter 5 = E Letter 6 = F Letter 7 = G Letter 8 = H